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Contextual Ed
Contextual Education
Cross Registration
Denominational Studies
General Studies Elective
History Theology
Independent Study
MA project
MAML project
MAMS project
Palmer x-reg
PhD Studies
Research Methods
STM Studies
Spiritual Formation
Temple x-reg
Youth Ministry Cert School
(CSS) The Swedenborg Seminar
CTS: New Testament Foundations
CTS: Preaching
(CUA) Eastern Spirituality
(CUA) Eastern Spirituality
(CUA) Eastern Spirituality
(CUA) TRS-737B The Virtues
(EBapt) SINT3-05 Anabaptism Today: Learning w/Yoder & Hauerwas
(EBapt) CTM507 Baptist Emphases and Polity
(EBapt) SB1 Biblical Narrative and the Art of Storytelling
(EBapt) B604 The Book of Psalms
(EBapt) CM682 Christian Education, Transformation, and the Arts
(EBapt) B622 Ephesians and Colossians
(EBapt) CTM624 Ethics and Politics
(EBapt) CM618 Evangelism w/Other Religions & New Rel Movemnts
(EBapt) B606 Ezekiel and Daniel
(EBapt) CTM600 Biblical Faith and Economics
(EBapt) CTM663 Growing Holistic Congregations
(EBapt) B610 Intertestamental Literature
(EBapt) B605 Isaiah and Jeremiah
(EBapt) CM615 Best Practices for Christian Leaders
(EBapt) CTM652 Historical Overview of Liturgy and Spirituality
(EBapt) DM933 The Local Church and Global Mission
(EBapt) JCM622 Making Disciples
(EBapt) CM641 Marriage and Family as Systems
(EBapt) B506 Old Testament Theology
(EBapt) CM637 Issues in Pastoral Care
(EBapt) JCM602 Preaching in Pastoral Context
(EBapt) JCM604A Life, Thought, and Preaching of MLKing, Jr.
(EBapt) CM607 Preaching from the Old Testament
(EBapt) CM636 Psychodynamics of the Gospel
(EBapt) B626 The Book of Revelation
(EBapt) SCM1 Servant Leadership and Church Renewal
(EBapt) CTM612 Practical Theology of Creation
(EBapt) CTM615 Theology of Martin Luther King, Jr.
(EBapt) SCTM1 Theological Reflection on Ministry
(EBapt) CTM611 Theology and Public Policy
(EBapt) BCM660 Urban Family Counseling
(EBapt) CM649 Victim Care: Issues and Strategies
(EBapt) B607 Wisdom Literature
(EBapt) CM605 Women and Preaching
(Fox Sch of Business) 5001 Leading Organizations
Cross Reg WTC (Howard):
(Howard) STMI 397 Minister and Criminal Justice System
(Howard) STMI 397 Minister and Criminal Justice System
(LTSG) Theological Thematics: Feminist Theologies
(LTSG) Introduction to New Testament Greek (online) (graded)
(LTSG) Introduction to New Testament Greek (online) (pass/fail)
(LTSG) Thematics: Sin and the Human Condition
(LTS) Introduction to Theology (on-line)
(LTS) Jesus and the Gospels (on-line)
(LTSG) Church Administration
(LTSG) Diaconal Ministry Formation Event
(LTSG) Dynamics of the Word: Law and Gospel
(LTSG) Environmental Ethics and Faith
(LTSG) Gospels (online)
(LTSG) Luther and the Jews
(LTSG) Ministering to Today's Families
(LTSG) Outdoor Ministry
(LTSG) Religion in America
(LTSG) Studies in the Book of Revelation
(LTSG) Transformative Ministry
(LTSS) Missional Leadership in Specialized Ministry
(Luther) HC4337 01Diaconal Ministry: History, Formation, and Spiritual
(Luther) HC4337 01Diaconal Ministry: History, Formation, and Spiritual
(Luther) HC4337 Diaconal Ministry: History, Formation, and Spiritualit
(Luther) HC4337 Diaconal Ministry: History, Formation, and Spiritualit
(Luther) Lutheran Hymnody
(Luther) Lutheran Hymnody
(MTS) BO933 Book of Genesis
(MTS) BN973 Theology and Film
(MTS) MDO963 Christian Understanding of Humanity
(PTS) TH965 Barth's Church Dogmatics
(PTS) Homiletical Theory II: From the Enlightenment to the Present
(PTS) Homiletical Theory II
(PTS) Theories of Interpretation and Constructive Practical Theology
(PTS) Gospel and Epistles of John
(PTS) CH932 Seminar: Luther Interpretation
(PTS) CH955 Modern European Church History
(PTS) OT909 History of OT Interpretation
(PTS) The OT in the Reformation
(PTS) Speech Performance in Preaching
(PTS) DP1201 Presbyterian Church Polity
(PTS) Theology and Proclamation
(PTS) Theology & Psychotherapeutic Schools
(PTS) Race, Racism, Religion
(Palmer) CM608 Preaching in the African-American Tradition
(Palmer) SINT2-08 Challenges of Anabaptism
(Palmer) Biblical Hebrew
(Palmer) Biblical Concepts and Pastoral Realities
(Palmer) SINT5-06 How Firm a Foundation? Bible as Revelation
(Palmer) The Church as Community of Compassion
(Palmer) Christian Church and Its Future in America
(Palmer) JCTM106 Christianity and World Religions
(Palmer) JCM206 Conflict Mgt in Congregations
(Palmer) Persevering Hope: The Problem of Evil and Suffering
(Palmer) B628 The Life of Paul
(Palmer) SINT6-02 Ministry Is Filled with Small Groups
(Palmer) B607 Latter/Minor Prophets
(Palmer) SCM1-09 Pastoral Care of Urban Families
(Palmer) Theological Reflection on Pastoral Practice
(Palmer) CM600 Preaching Jesus
(Palmer) B626 Book of Revelation
(Palmer) SINT6-06 Resources for Children Facing Trauma
(Palmer) CTM616 Theology and a Movie
(Palmer) United Methodist Doctrine and Polity
(Palmer) Old Testament/Wisdom Literature
(Palmer) Baptist Emphases & Polity
(Palmer) Baptist Emphases & Polity
(Palmer) Church in Mission Through History
(Palmer) Biblical Hebrew
(Payne) Ethics of "Informed Consent"
(Payne) Parish Administration
(Payne) Pulpit Communication I
(Payne) Pulpit Communications
(UPenn) HIST610 American Religious History
(UPenn) Gender/Sexuality E. Asia
(UPenn) Metro Growth and Poverty
(UPenn) COML501 History of Literary Theory
(UPenn) Int'l Comm: Power & Flow
(UPenn) HIST620 Intellectual History
(UPenn) RELS539 Kierkegaard
(UPenn) RELS517 The Radical Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.
(UPenn) HIST720 Medieval and Early Modern History
(UPenn) Contemporary Continental Philosophy
(UPenn) Politics of Empire
(UPenn) xRELS533 Pseudo-Dionysian Tradition
(UPenn) RELS517 Race, Poverty, Class
(UPenn) Religion and Public Life
(UPenn) Religion, Law and Lawyering
(UPenn) Pre-Modern Rhetoric
(UPenn) Ritual and Practice
(UPenn) RELSxxx Sermon on the Mount
(UPenn) Song of Songs: Ancient, Medieval, Modern Interpretations
(UPenn) Spirit and Law
(UPenn) RELS 509 Teaching Religious Studies
(UPenn) SOC6856 Sociology of Violence
(UPenn) RELS434 Christian Thought 1000-1800
(RRC) 305 Contemporary Versions of Islam
(RRC) Muslims in America
(RRC) Advanced Bible: Psalms
(STM/DMin) Creeds and the Christian Tradition
(STM/DMin) Dreams: In the Bible, Religion and Daily Life
(STM/DMin) Experiencing and Performing the Gospel
(STM/DMin) Women in the Gospels
(TEEM) Church Administration
(TEEM) Christian Education
(TEEM) Preaching Seminar
(TEEM) Worship and Sacraments in the Church
(TEEM) Worship and Sacraments in the Church
(TEEM) Understanding the New Testament
(TEEM) Understanding the Old Testament
(TUSSW) SSWG 8811 Alcohol and Drug Use
(TUSSW) SSWG 8811 Alcohol and Drug Use
(TSSW) Deconstructing White Supremacy
(TSSW) Deconstructing White Supremacy
(TSSW) SSW 8803 Emotional Disorders in Children and Adolescents
(TSSW) SSWG 5003 Foundations in Social Work
(TSSW) SSW 8804 Social Work w/People Experiencing Homelessness
(TUSSW) HBSE: Individuals and Families
(TUSSW) Law and the Practice of Human Services
(TUSSW) Foundations in Social Work Research
(TSSW) Social Justice: Foundation for Transformative Social Work
(TSSW) Social Welfare Policies and Services II
(TSSW) Social Welfare Policies and Services I
(TSSW) Social Welfare Policies and Services I
(TSSW) SSWG 8000 Special Topics in Social Work
(TSW) SSWG 8000 Human Trafficking
(TSSW) Psychodynamics of Race, Class, and Culture
XTU: Temple Univ Social Welfare Policies and Services I
(TU) Children & Families in the Social Environment
(TSSW) Children and Families Policy
(TU) Data Analytics for Management
(TU) Digital Marketing
(TU) Environmental Law & Corp Resp
(TU) Ethical Decisions in Business
(TU) Ethical Decisions in Business
(TU) Financial and Managerial Acct
(TU) Foundations for Data Analytics
(TU) Foundations of Christianity
(TU) HBSE II: Groups, Communities & Organizations
(TU) Groups, Communities and Organizations
(TU) Groups, Communities and Organizations
(Temple) Best Practices in HR
(TU) HR in a Dynamic Environment
(TU) Best Practices in Human Resources Management
(TU) HR Mgmt Strategies
(TU) HR Mgmt Strategies
(TU) HR in a Dynamic Environment
(TU) Build High Perform Org
(TU) 031366 Foundations of Historical Methods
(TU) Human Capital and Organizational Change
(TU) Independent Study
(TU) HBSE: Individuals & Families
(TUSSW) Individuals and Families
(TUSSW) Individuals and Families
(TU) Information Technology Management
(TSSW) Law and the Practice of Human Services
(TU) 5054 Leadership Development
(TU) 5054 Leadership Development
(TU) Leading in Complex Organizations
(TU) Loss & Grief
(TSSW) Loss and Grief
(TU) Health/Mental Health Policy
(TU) Health/Mental Health Policy
(TU) 670-001 Modern Catholicism
(TU) Non-Profit Governance
(TU) Non-Profit Governance
(TU) Communication in Complex Organizations
(TU) HBSE Orgs, Commun & Grps
(TU) Power, Influence & Negotiation
(TU) Quantitative Methods - Business
(TU) Religion and Public Life
(TU) Social Entrepreneurship
(TU) Pract of Soc Ser Deliv I
(TUSSW) Social Welfare Policies and Services 2
(TUSSW) Social Welfare Policies and Services 2
(TUSSW) Social Welfare Policies and Services I
(TUSSW) Social Welfare Policies and Services I
(TU) Social Welfare Policy Serv II
(TU) Social Welfare Policy Serv II
(TU) Social Welfare Policy and Services
(TU) Social Welfare Policy and Services
(TUSSW) Foundations in Social Work Research
(TU) Social Entrepreneurship
(TU) Social Entrepreneurship
(TSSW) Social Justice: Fndtn for Transformative Social Work
(TSSW) Social Transformation
(TSSW) Social Transformation
(TU) Supervision, Staff Development and Training
(TU) Strategic Reward Systems
(TU) Strategic Reward Systems
(TU) Law & the Practice of Human Services
(TU) Effective Org Communications
(TU) Effective Org Communications
(TUSSW) 8814 Loss and Grief
(TUSSW) Social Welfare Policy & Services 1
(UPenn) Proseminar Africana Stds
(UPenn) Historiography and Self-Definition in Ancient Judaism and Chri
(UPenn) Classical Chinese Thought
(UPenn) Community Organizing: History and Theory
(UPenn) Language and Gender
(UPenn) Political Culture and America
(UPenn) Race and 20th Century APT
(UPenn) Religion, Social Justice and Urban Development
(UPenn) Power of Representation
(UPenn) The Sermon on the Mount
(UPenn) The Sermon on the Mount
(UPenn) Sermon on the Mount
(UPenn) Family and Organizational Systems across the Life Span
(UPenn) Methodology Seminar
(UPenn) Theories of Religion
(UPenn) Topics in American Religion
(Wesley) ST-245-VT James Baldwin as Social Critic and Theologian
(Wesley) ST-245-VT James Baldwin as Social Critic and Theologian
(WTS) AP861 Theodicy
(Yale) REL644 Eng Exegesis of 1 Corinthians
(Yale) REL725 Augustine of Hippo
(Yale) REL779 Bonhoeffer and King
(Yale) REL796 Christian Marriage
(Yale) Faith & Globalization
(Yale) Forgiveness: Personal & Political
(Yale) Global Ethics
(Yale) REL829 Pastoral Leadership & Church Administration
(Yale) REL651 Liturgical Time: Feasts, Seasons
(Yale) REL772 Lutheran Ethics in Contem Context
(Yale) REL3795 Colloq Min Formatn/Lutheran
(Yale) REL665 Martin Luther: Life&Work
(Yale) Religion Mid East Politics & Conflict Resolution
(Yale) REL988 Pastoral Care and Addiction
(Yale) Pastoral Care and Addiction
(Yale) English Exegesis: Revelation
(Yale) Finding Spirituality in Modern America
(Yale) REL626 Systematic Theology II
(Yale) Martyrs & Martyrdom
Professional Ethics and Ministerial Boundaries workshop
Professional Ethics and Ministerial Boundaries workshop
DMin Project: Remembering the Sabbath
1 Corinthians and Galatians: Two Letters, Two Pauls?
1 Corinthians and Galatians: Two Letters, Two Pauls?
1st Theological Student Assessment 1
1st Theological Student Assessment 2
From the Two Kingdoms to the Two Cities: Augustinian and Lutheran Them
From the Two Kingdoms to the Two Cities: Augustinian and Lutheran Them
20th Century Theology and Practical Implications
20th Century Theology and Practical Implications
20th-Century Theology and Practical Implications
20th-Century Theology and Practical Implications
20th- and 21st-Century Theology and Implications for Ministry
20th- and 21st-Century Theology and Implications for Ministry
20th- and 21st-Century Theology and Implications for Ministry
20th- and 21st-Century Theology and Implications for Ministry
21st Century Leadership: Challenges for Congregational Leaders
21st Century Leadership: Challenges for Congregational Leaders
21st Century Leadership: Challenges for Congregational Leaders
21st Century Leadership: Challenges for Congregational Leaders
Intro to Preaching
STM/DMin A Lenten Pilgrimage: Latinx Ministry Travel Sem to Antigua, G
A Way Out of No Way: African American Religious Education
A Way Out of No Way: African American Religious Education
Introduction to AIDS Ministry
AME Parish Administration
AME Parish Administration
Denominational Polity: African Methodist Episcopal
Denominational Polity: African Methodist Episcopal
Denominational Polity: African Methodist Episcopal
African Methodist Episcopal Polity
African Methodist Episcopal Polity
Academic Writing Workshop
Academic Writing Workshop
Academic Writing Workshop
Registration of Active Status
Registration of Active Status
Acts: The Early Church and the Church Today
Acts: The Early Church and the Church Today (STM/DMin)
Acts: The Early Church and the Church Today
Acts: The Early Church and the Church Today (STM/DMin)
Addiction, Recovery, and the Pastoral Ministry
Addiction, Recovery, and the Pastoral Ministry
Advanced Pastoral Care Seminar
Advanced Pastoral Care Seminar
Advanced Standing
Advanced Standing
African-American Appropriations of Paul
African-American Appropriations of Paul
African-American Appropriations of Paul
African American Church History
African American Church History
African American Theology
African American Theology
Worship in the African American Tradition
(STM/DMin) African Presence in Scripture
(AACS) African Presence in Scripture
African Presence in Scripture
African Presence in Scripture
African Presence in Scripture
African Presence in Scripture (STM/DMin upgrade)
African Presence in Scripture
African Presence in Scripture
African Religions and Black Consciousness
African-American Church History
African-American Church History
African-American Church History
African-American Church History
(AACS) African American Church History
African-American Church History
African-American Church History
African American Christian Ethics
History of African American Preaching III
A History of African American Preaching (1750-1920)
History of African American Preaching II
Preaching on Special Occasions in the African American Tradition
Preaching on Special Occasions in the African American Tradition
Preaching Special Services in the African American Tradition
African-American Theology
African-American Theology
Worship in the African-American Church
Worship in the African-American Church
Worship in the African-American Church
African American Theology
African American Theology
African American Church History
African American Church History (upgrade)
African American Church History
African American Church History (upgrade)
African American Church History (upgrade)
African American Church History
21st Century Preaching in the African American Tradition
21st Century Preaching in the African American Tradition
21st Century Preaching in the African American Tradition
21st Century Preaching in the African American Tradition
(STM/DMin) History of African American Preaching
Preaching the Gospel in the African American Tradition
Preaching on Special Occasions in the African American Tradition (upgr
Preaching on Special Occasions in the African American Tradition (STM/
Preaching Special Services in the African American Tradition
African-American Theology
African-American Theology
African-American Theology
(AACS) African American Theology
African American Theology
African American Theology
African American Theology
African American Theology (STM/DMin upgrade)
African American Theology
African American Theology (STM/DMin upgrade)
21st Century Worship in the African American Tradition
21st Century Worship in the African American Tradition
21st Century Worship in the African American Tradition
21st Century Worship in the African American Tradition
Worship in the African American Tradition
(AACS) Worship in the African American Tradition
African American Church History
African Presence in Scripture
African Presence in Scripture
Alienation and Reconciliation
Alienation and Reconciliation
Alienation and Reconciliation
Always Reforming: A New Look for a Missional Church
Always Reforming: A New Look for a Missional Church
Always Reforming: A New Look for a Missional Church
Always Reforming: A New Look for a Missional Church
Church History III: American Church History
Church History IIIE: American Church History
American Lutheranism
American Lutheranism
American Lutheranism
American Lutheranism
American Lutheranism
American Lutheranism
American Lutheranism
American Lutheranism
American Lutheranism
American Lutheranism (NYC)
American Lutheranism (NYC)
American Religious Experience
American Religious History
American Religious History (Distance Learning) (Honors)
American Religious History (Distance Learning)
American Religious History
American Religious History
American Religious History
American Religious History
American Religious History
American Religious History
American Religious History
American Religious History
American Religious History
American Religious History
American Religious History
Gospel and Freedom: American Religious History
American Religious History (Distance Learning)
American Christianity in Black and White
American Religious History
Ancient Language Competency
Ancient Language Competency Examination: Greek
Ancient Language Competency Examination: Hebrew
Ancient Language Competency Examination: Latin
Ancient Language Competency
Ancient Language Competency
Anglican Eucharistic Theology and Practice
Anglican Social Ethics
Anglican Social Ethics
Anglican Studies Seminar
Anglican Studies Seminar
The Essentials of Anglicanism: Theology/Church/Ministry
The Essentials of Anglicanism: Theology/Church/Ministry
The Essentials of Anglicanism: Theology/Church/Ministry
The Essentials of Anglicanism: Theology/Church/Ministry
Essentials of Anglicanism
Essentials of Anglicanism
Essentials of Anglicanism
Anti-Discrimination Training
Anti-Racism Training
Anti-Racism Training
Anti-Racism Training
Anti-Racism Training
Anti-Racism Training
Anti-Racism Training
Anti-Racism Training
Anti-Racism Workshop
Anti-Racism Workshop
Anti-Racism Workshop
Anti-Racism Workshop
Anti-Racism workshop
Anti-Racism workshop
Anti-Racism workshop equivalent
Appalachian Church in Society
Appalachian Church in Society
Appalachian Church in Society
Guatemala Immersion: Applied Contextual Spanish
The Arts and Pastoral Care
The Arts and Pastoral Care
Augustine, Saint and Sinner: Good, Bad, and Ugly
(STM/DMin) Augustine, Saint and Sinner: Good, Bad, and Ugly
Augustine and the City of God
(STM/DMin) Augustine and Culture Seminar
Augustine and His Influence
Augustine and His Influence
Augustine and the Augustinian Tradition
Augustine and the Augustinian Tradition
The Authority of Scripture
Musical and Theological Aspects of Bach Church Cantatas
Musical and Theological Aspects of Bach Church Cantatas
Musical and Theological Aspects of Bach Church Cantatas
Musical and Theological Aspects of Bach Church Cantatas
Baptism and Initiation
Baptism and Initiation
Baptism and Initiation
Baptism and Initiation
Baptism and the Unity of the Church
Baptism and the Unity of the Church
Baptism and the Unity of the Church (EC)
Baptism and the Unity of the Church
Baptism and Unity of the Church
Baptism and the Unity of the Church (STM/DMin upgrade)
Baptism and Unity of the Church
(STM/DMin) Baptism and Unity of the Church
Baptism and the Unity of the Church
Baptism and the Unity of the Church
Baptism and the Unity of the Church
Baptism and the Unity of the Church
Baptism and the Evangelizing Parish
Baptism and the Evangelizing Parish
Baptism and the Evangelizing Parish
The Gospel and Freedom: Baptism and the Unity of the Church
Baptism and the Unity of the Church
Baptism and the Unity of the Church (STM/DMin upgrade)
Baptism and the Unity of the Church
Baptism and the Unity of the Church
Baptismal Formation across the Traditions
(STM/DMin) Baptismal Formation Across the Traditions
Baptist History and Polity
Denominational Polity: Baptist
Baptist Polity
Baptist Polity
Baptist Polity
Baptist Polity
Baptist Polity
Baptist Polity
Baptist Polity
Karl Barth's Theology: Ministry and Political Considerations
(STM/DMin) Karl Barth's Theology: Ministry and Political Consideration
Basic Spanish for Ministry
Spanish for Ministry (Basic)
Spanish for Ministry (Basic)
Basic Theological German
Beliefs of the Church
Beliefs of the Church
Beliefs of the Church
History and Beliefs of the Church
Beliefs of the Church
Beliefs of the Church
Beliefs of the Church: Theology and Doctrine
Bereavement and Grief
"Our Biblical Heritage" Travel Seminar
"Our Biblical Heritage" Travel Seminar
Biblical Studies 1950-1995: Personal Retrospective (Part 1)
Biblical Studies 1950-1995: Personal Retrospective (Part 2)
Biblical Theology of the New Testament
Biblical Theology of the Old Testament
Biblical Theology of the Old Testament
Biblical Prayer and Christian Prayer
Biblical Prayer and Christian Prayer
Biblical Theology of the Old Testament
Biblical Theology
Bible and Ecology
Bible and Ecology (STM/DMin)
Bible and Liturgy
Bible and Liturgy
Strange World of the Bible and African American Imagination
Strange World of the Bible and African American Imagination (STM/DMin
STM/DMin: The Bible and Immigration in the United States and Latin Ame
The Bible and Immigration in the US and Latin America
The Bible and Immigration in the US and Latin America
The Bible and Literary Criticism
The Bible and Literary Criticism
Bible in the Public Square
Bible in the Public Square
Biblical Authority
Biblical Authority
Biblical Authority
Biblical Foundations of Evangelism and Stewardship (B)
CTS: Biblical Foundations for Evangelism and Stewardship
CTS: Biblical Foundations for Evangelism and Stewardship
Biblical Hermeneutics and Interpretation
Biblical Hermeneutics and Interpretation
The Biblical Jubilee and Its Challenges for Today
Biblical Literacy in Congregations
Literary Study of Biblical Texts: Poetry
Literary Study of Biblical Texts: Poetry
Introduction to Biblical Studies
Introduction to Biblical Studies
Introduction to Biblical Studies
Contemporary Biomedical Ethics and Pastoral Response
Contemporary Biomedical Ethics and Pastoral Response
Contemporary Biomedical Ethics and Pastoral Response
Contemporary Biomedical Ethics and Pastoral Response
Contemporary Biomedical Ethics: Exploration through Film, Fiction (OL)
Contemporary Biomedical Ethics: Exploration through Film, Fiction
Theology of the Book of Common Prayer
Theology of the Book of Common Prayer
Theology of the Book of Common Prayer
The Book of Revelation
The Book of Revelation
The Books of Common Prayer: History, Theology, and Practice
The Books of Common Prayer: History, Theology, and Practice
Black Theology
Black Theology
Black Theology
Black [African American] Theology
The Black Presence in Scripture
The Black Presence in Scripture
The Black Presence in Scripture
The Black Presence in Scripture
The Black Presence in Scripture
The Black Presence in Scripture
The Black Presence in Scripture
The Black Presence in Scripture
Black Sacred Music
Black Sacred Music 2: Working with Music in the Church
Bonhoeffer & King Public Theologians
STM/DMin: Bonhoeffer & King: Public Theologians
Bonhoeffer and King: Public Theologians
(STM/DMin) Bonhoeffer and King: Public Theologians
Bonhoeffer and King: Public Theologians
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Life and Thought
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Life and Thought
Bonhoeffer Seminar
The Bonhoeffer Seminar
The Bonhoeffer Seminar
The Bonhoeffer Seminar
The Bonhoeffer Seminar
The Bonhoeffer Seminar
The Bonhoeffer Seminar
Bonhoeffer Seminar
Bonhoeffer Seminar
Bonhoeffer and Public Theology
Bonhoeffer and Public Theology
The Books of Common Prayer: History, Theology and Practice
The Book of Daniel
The Book of Daniel
The Book of Faith: Print, Politics, Public Event
The Book of Faith: Print, Politics, Public Event
The Book of Faith: Print, Politics, Public Event
Book of Faith: Print, Politics, Public Event (Senior Seminar)
Book of Faith: Print, Politics, Public Event
Book of Faith: Print, Politics, Public Event (Senior Seminar)
Book of Faith: Print, Politics, Public Event
Book of Faith
The Book of Isaiah
The Book of Isaiah
The Book of Isaiah
The Book of Isaiah
The Book of Isaiah
The Book of Isaiah
The Book of Psalms
The Book of Psalms
The Book of Psalms
The Book of Psalms
The Book of Psalms
The Book of Revelation
The Book of Revelation
The Stewardship of Bricks and Mortar
The Stewardship of Bricks and Mortar
Cross Registration: Byzantine Catholic Seminary
WTC: Byzantine Cath Sem: DT-305 The Desert Monastics
Byzantine Cath Sem
WTC: Byzantine Cath Sem:
Clinical Pastoral Education
Clinical Pastoral Education (credit)
CTS New Testament Foundation
CTS Christian Education
CTS Independent Study
CTS Old Testament Foundation
CTS Preaching
Systematic Theology - CTS
CTS: History of Christianity
CTS: Pastoral Care and Formation
CTS: Worship
Caring for Today's Pastor
Catechism as Platform: Teaching the Catechism in a Digital Age (OL)
Catechism as Platform: Teaching the Catechism in a Digital Age
Catechism and Social Media: Teaching the Catechism in a Digital Age
Catechism and Social Media: Teaching the Catechism in a Digital Age (O
The Catechisms of Luther
The Catechisms of Luther
The Catechisms of Luther
The Catechisms of Luther
Certificate in Congregational Faith Formation
Certificate in Congregational Faith Formation
Certificate in Congregational Faith Formation
Certificate in Congregational Faith Formation
Certificate in Congregational Faith Formation
Certificate in Congregational Faith Formation
Certificate in Congregational Faith Formation
The Church and Progressive Movements in American Society
The Church and Progressive Movements in American Society (STM/DMin upg
Church Administration and Leadership
Church History Survey
Being the Church in a Global Communion
Church and Sacramentality in Mission to Contemporary Society
Church and Sacramentality in Mission to Contemporary Society
Being the Church in a Global Communion
Chance, Necessity, Love: A Theology of Cancer
The Changing Reformation
Chaplaincy in Diverse Contexts: From Trinity and Trauma, to Resilience
Children Defense Fund's Samuel DeWitt Proctor Institute for Child Advo
(Luther) Ministry with Children, Youth & Family
Children of Abraham: Jewish-Christian-Muslim Relations
Children of Abraham: Jewish-Christian-Muslim Relations
Children of Abraham: Jewish-Christian-Muslim Relations
Children of Abraham: Jewish-Christian-Muslim Relations
Children of Abraham: Jewish-Christian-Muslim Relations
Children of Abraham: Jewish-Christian-Muslim Relations
OX2019 Choral Institute at Oxford
Christian Ed/Spiritual Dev for Children/Youth w/ Special Needs
Christian Ed/Spiritual Dev for Children/Youth w/ Special Need
Foundations and Theory of Christian Education
Christian Liturgy and Public Meaning
Introduction to Christian Education (test-out)
Introduction to Christian Education (test-out)
Christian Education for Hurting Children and Youth
Christian Education for Hurting Children and Youth
Seminars in Christian Education
Seminars in Christian Education
Seminars in Christian Education
Introduction to Christian Education (test-out)
Christian Assembly 1
Christian Assembly 1
Christian Assembly 2
Christian Assembly 2
Christian Assembly 2
Introduction to Christian Ecumenism
Christian Ecumenism in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities
Christian Ecumenism in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities
CTS: Christian Education (C)
CTS: Christian Education (C)
Introduction to Christian Education (NYC)
Introduction to Christian Education
Introduction to Christian Education
Christian Education
Introduction to Christian Education
Introduction to Christian Education
Introduction to Christian Education
Introduction to Christian Education
Introduction to Christian Education
Christian Education
Introduction to Christian Education
Introduction to Christian Education
Introduction to Christian Education
Introduction to Christian Education
Introduction to Christian Education
Introduction to Christian Education
Christian Education
Christian Education for All Ages
Introduction to Christian Ethics
Christian Ethics: Theory and Practice
Christian Ethics: Theory and Practice
Introduction to Christian Ethics
Introduction to Christian Ethics
Introduction to Christian Ethics
Introduction to Christian Ethics
Christian Ethics
Christian Ethics (STM/DMin upgrade)
Christian Formation for a Multicultural Church
Christian Formation for a Multicultural Church
Christian Freedom: From Martin Luther to Martin Luther King, Jr.
Christian Freedom: From Martin Luther to Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Development of Christian Hymnody
The Development of Christian Hymnody
Christian Schools
Christian Social Ethics
Christian Social Ethics
Christian Social Ethics
Christian Social Ethics
Foundations of Christian Spirituality
Foundations of Christian Spirituality
Christian Spirituality: Guides from the 1st Through 7th Centuries
Christian Spirituality: Guides from the 1st Through 7th Centuries
Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations
Theological Issues in History of Christian-Muslim Relations
Theological Issues in History of Christian-Muslim Relations
Christology: Jesus's Work and Person
Christology in a Pluralistic Society
Christology in a Pluralistic Society [EC]
Christology in a Pluralistic Society
Christology and Cultures
Christology in a Pluralistic World
Christology in a Pluralistic World
Christology and Salvation
Christology and Salvation
Christology and Salvation
Christology and Salvation
Christology and Salvation
Christology and Salvation
Church and Community
The Church and the Holocaust
The Church and the Holocaust
The Church and the Holocaust
The Church and the Holocaust
The Church and the Holocaust
The Church and the Holocaust
Church and Human Sciences (online)
The Church and Sexuality in the 21st Century
The Church and Sexuality in the 21st Century
Church Administration
Church Administration
Church Administration
Church Administration
Church Administration
Church Administration
Church Administration
Church Administration
Church Administration
Church Administration
Church Administration
Church Administration (test-out)
Church Administration
Church Administration and Leadership for the 21st Century
Church Administration and Leadership for the 21st Century
Church Administration and Leadership for the 21st Century
Beliefs of the Church
Conflict in the Church
Resolving Conflict in the Church
Church History I
Church Ministries and Servant Leadership
Church Ministries and Servant Leadership
Mission of the Church Today
Mission of the Church Today
Mission of the Church Today (ME)
Mission of the Church Today
The Church Year
The Church Year
The Church and the Holocaust
Church and Law
The Church and Money: A Theology of Stewardship and Fundraising
The Church and Society
Church and Society in the Book of Acts
The Church in the Future: Impact of the Ecumenical Movement
The Church in Society
The Church in Society
The Church in Society
The Church in Society
The Church in Society
Church in Society
Church in Society
Church in Society
The Church in the City
The Church in the City
The Church in the City
The Church in the City
The Church in the City
The Church in the City
The Church in the City
The Church in the City: Many Calls and One Spirit
The Church in the World
The Church in the World
The Church in the World
The Church in the World
The Church in the World
The Church, Music, and the Arts
The Church, Music, and the Arts
Civil Rights Pilgrimage
(STM/DMin) Civil Rights Pilgrimage
Clinical Pastoral Education
Clinical Pastoral Education
Clinical Pastoral Education
Clinical Pastoral Education
Clinical Pastoral Education
Clinical Pastoral Education
Clinical Pastoral Education
Clinical Pastoral Education
Clinical Pastoral Education
Clinical Pastoral Education
Clinical Practicum
Clinical Practicum
Clinical Practicum
Clinical Practicum
Clinical Practicum
Clinical Practicum
Clinical Practicum (UTI)
DMin Colloquium I
DMin Colloquium II
Faith-Based Community Organizing and Development
Faith-Based Community Organizing and Development
(STM/DMin) Faith Based Community Organizing
Faith Based Community Organizing (STM/DMin upgrade)
Congregations, Leadership and Community Transformation
Communication and the Local Congregation
Communication and the Local Congregation
Communication and the Local Congregation
Communication and the Local Congregation
Communicating the Word
Communicating the Word
Communicating the Word
Communication and the Local Congregation
Faith-Based Community Organizing
Faith-Based Community Organizing
Faith-Based Community Organizing
Comparative Religions
Comparative Spiritualities: Anglican, Lutheran, Moravian, Calvini
Comparative Spiritualities: Anglican, Lutheran, Moravian, Calvini
Concurrent Internship 2 yr (ltsg curriculum)
Concurrent Internship 1st year (ltsg curriculum)
Ministerial Immersion: Concurrent Internship 1st Yr.
Ministerial Immersion: Concurrent Internship 2nd Yr
Concurrent Intern, Yr 2
Concurrent Internship
Confirmation and Youth Ministries
Confirmation and Youth Ministries
Confirmation and Youth Ministries
Confirmation and Youth Ministries
Confirmation and Youth Ministries
Confirmation and Youth Ministries
Confirmation and Youth Ministries
Confirmation Ministry (Spring Half A)
Confirmation Ministry
Conflict Management
Conflict Management
Conflict Management
Conflict in the Church
Managing Conflict in the Church
Managing Conflict in the Church
Managing Conflict in the Church
Church Conflict and Collaboration
Certificate in Congregational Faith Formation
Congregational Faith Formation Certificate
Congregational Formation and Education for a Changing Church
Congregational Formation and Education
Congregational Formation and Education
Congregational Formation and Education
Congregational Formation and Education
Congregational Formation and Education
Congregational Formation and Education
Congregational Formation and Education
Congregational Formation and Education
Congregational Formation and Education
Congregational Formation and Education
Congregational Formation and Education
Leadership and Congregational Renewal
Leadership and Congregational Renewal
Leading Congregational Renewal
The Congregation in the Community
The Congregation in the Community
Congregational Formation and Education for a Changing Church
CTS: Congregational Studies in Context
Congregational Formation and Education (STM/DMin upgrade)
Congregational Formation and Education (STM/DMin upgrade)
Administration: The Congregation and Its People
Congregational Faith Formation
Congregational Faith Formation
Congregational Faith Formation
(STM/DMin upgrade) Congregational Formation and Education
Congregational Formation and Education for a Changing Church
Congregational Formation and Education for a Changing Church
The Congregation and Money
The Congregation and Money
Leading Congregational Renewal
Leading Congregational Renewal
Research Methods for Studying Congregations
Research Methods for Studying Congregations
Discerning Theologies in Congregations
Discerning Theologies in Congregations
Congregation as Organization
Certificate in Congregational Faith Formation
Certificate in Congregational Faith Formation
Congregational Formation and Education for a Changing World
CTS: Congregational Studies in Context
Christian Discipleship in a Consumer Society
Christian Discipleship in a Consumer Society
Christian Discipleship in a Consumer Society
Christian Discipleship in a Consumer Society
Contemporary Christian Apologetics
Contemporary Theological Themes
Contemporary Biomedical Ethics and Pastoral Response
Contemporary Biomedical Ethics and Pastoral Resonse
Contemporary Neo-Liberal Theologians
The Church and Contemporary Legal Issues
The Church and Contemporary Legal Issues
Contemporary Lutheran Theology
(STM/DMin) Contemporary Lutheran Theology
Contemporary Lutheran Theology
(STM/DMin) Contemporary Lutheran Theology
Contemporary Lutheran Theology
Contemporary Lutheran Theology
Contemporary Lutheran Theology
Contemporary Lutheran Theology
Contemporary Lutheran Theology
Contemporary Lutheran Theology (STM/DMin)
Challenges in Contemporary Proclamation
Challenges in Contemporary Proclamation
(STM/DMin) Contemporary Christian Spirituality
Contemporary Christian Spirituality
Contentious Margins: Feminism and Multiculturalism
Contentious Margins: Feminism and Multiculturalism
Contentious Margins: Feminism and Multiculturalism
Contentious Margins: Feminism and Multiculturalism
Corinthian Correspondence
The Corinthian Correspondence
The Corinthian Correspondence
Corinthian Correspondence (STM)
Correlational Theology
Cosmos, Creation and Theology
Creation and Ecology
Creation and Ecology
Creation, Evolution and Our Idea of God
Creation, Evolution and Our Idea of God
Systematic Theology 1: Creation, Sin, New Creation
Creation, Sin, and New Creation (upgrade)
Creation, Sin, and New Creation (upgrade)
Systematic Theology 1: Creation, Sin, New Creation
Systematic Theology 1: Creation, Sin, New Creation
Creation, Sin, and New Creation (STM/DMin upgrade)
Systematic Theology 1: Creation, Sin, New Creation
Systematic Theology 1: Creation, Sin, New Creation
Theology 1: Creation, Sin and New Creation
Creation, Sin, and New Creation
Systematic Theology I: Creation, Sin, and New Creation
Creation, Sin and New Creation
Creation: Fall and Flood
Creeds and Councils
Creeds and Councils
Creeds and Councils
Creeds and Councils
Creeds and Councils
Creeds and the Christian Tradition
Creeds and the Christian Tradition
Creeds and the Christian Tradition
Critical Reflection on Praxes of Ministry (CPE)
Critical Reflection: CPE Summer 2021
Critical Reflection on Praxes of Ministry
Critical Reflection on Praxis of Ministry
Critical Reflection on Praxes of Ministry
Critical Reflection
Critical Reflection
Critical Reflection on the Praxis of Ministry
Critical Reflection on the Praxes of Ministry (STM/DMin upgrade)
(STM/DMin) Critical Reflection on the Praxes of Ministry
Critical Reflection on the Praxes of Ministry (STM/DMin upgrade)
Critical Reflection on the Praxis of Ministry
Critical Reflection on the Praxis of Ministry
Critical Reflection on the Praxis of Ministry
Critical Reflection on the Praxis of Ministry
STM/DMIN The Cross and Human Suffering: Luther and the Reformation
Cross Registration - Howard University
Cross Registration - Howard University
Cross Registration - Palmer Theological Seminary
Xreg VTS: OT-604 The Prophets
Xreg VUU, PT-768 Self-Care As a Spiritual Practice
Cross Registration: Wesley Theo Seminary
Cross Registration - CUA
Cross Registration - Virginia Theological Seminary
Cross Registration - Virginia Theological Seminary
Cross Reg. WTC
Cross Registration WTS
Cross Registration WTS
Xreg (LSTC): RHTH 537 Luteranismo en el Caribe: La mision luterana en
Xreg (LSTC):ML-SF 403 Liturgy & the Cycles of Creation
VTS: CHWT-501 Historical Witness of the Church
Cross Registration January Term 2019
Trinity Lutheran Sem: Cross Registration: HTS2307 Intro to Womanist Th
The Cross and the Sword: Ethics of Violence and Peacemaking
Cruciform Catechesis: Christian Initiation and Adults
Current Ethical Issues
From Cyprian to Augustine: Authority in the Early Church
From Cyprian to Augustine: Exploring the Trajectory of Authority in th
From Cyprian to Augustine: Exploring the Trajectory of Authority in th
DMIN Colloquium 1 (non-credit)
DMIN Colloquium 2 (non-credit)
DMin Advanced Standing
DMin Advanced Standing
DMin Candidacy
DMin Candidacy
DMin Candidacy
DMin Case Study
DMin Case Study
DMin Case Study
DMin Case Study
DMin Case Study Report
DMin Colloquium II Equivalency
DMin Colloquium II Equivalency
DMin Colloquium II Equivalency
DMin Colloquium II Equivalency
DMin Collegial Seminar
DMin Collegial Seminar
DMin Collegial Seminar
DMin Collegial Seminar
DMin Collegial Seminar
DMin Collegial Seminar
DMin Collegial Seminar
DMin Collegial Seminar
DMin Collegial Seminar
DMin Collegial Seminar
DMin Collegial Seminar
DMin Collegial Seminar
DMin Collegial Seminar
DMin Collegial Seminar
DMin Colloquium 1
DMin Colloquium 1
DMin Colloquium 1
DMin Colloquium 2
DMin Colloquium 2
DMin Colloquium 2
DMin Colloquium 2
DMin Colloquium I
DMin Colloquium I
DMin Colloquium I
DMin Colloquium I
DMin Colloquium I
DMin Colloquium I
DMin Colloquium I
DMin Colloquium II
DMin Colloquium II
DMin Colloquium II
DMin Colloquium II
DMin Colloquium II
DMin Colloquium II
DMin Colloquium II
DMin Communications Exhibit
DMin Communications Exhibit
DMin Communications Exhibit
DMin Communications Exhibit
DMin Communication Exhibit
DMin Continuation (inactive in prior year)
DMin Exegetical Study
DMin Exegetical Study
DMin Exegetical Study
DMin Exegetical Study
DMin Exegetical Study
DMin Exegetical Study
DMin Ind Study: Engagiing & Maintaining Trust as a Black Chaplain with
DMin On-Site Visit
DMin On-Site Visit
DMin On-Site Visit
DMin On-Site Visit
DMin On-Site Visit
DMin On-Site Visit
DMin On-Site Visit
DMin On-Site Visit
DMin Program Extension
DMin Project
DMin Project
DMin Project
DMin Project
DMin Project
DMin Project
DMin Project
DMin Project
DMin Project
DMin Project
DMin Project
DMin Project:
DMin Proj.:
DMin Theological Essay
DMin Theological Study
DMin Theological Study
DMin Theological Study
DMin Theological Study
DMin Urban Colloquium I
Darwin and Divinity: The Debate of Theology and Science
The Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls
The Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Introduction to Deaf Ministry
Death and Community
Death and Community
Death and Dying
Death and Dying
Death and Dying: Ministry with Those at the End of Life in a Changing
Death and Dying: Ministry with Those at the End of Life in a Changing
Death, Dying, and Bereavement
Death, Dying, and Bereavement
Death, Dying, and Bereavement
Death, Dying, and Bereavement
Death, Dying, and Bereavement
Death, Dying, and Bereavement
Death, Dying, and Bereavement
Death, Dying, and Bereavement
Defending Black Faith
Defending Black Faith
Denominational Polity: African Methodist Episcopal
Denominational Polity: African Methodist Episcopal
Denominational Polity: Baptist
Denominational Polity: Baptist
Denominational Polity: Baptist
Denominational Polity: Church of God in Christ
Denominational Polity: African Methodist Episcopal
Denominational Polity: Baptist
Denominational Polity: Church of God in Christ
Denominational Seminar: Pentecostal
Deuteronomy and Human Rights
Deuteronomy and Human Rights
The Development of Christian Hymnody
The Development of Christian Hymnody
Development of Christian Song
Development of Christian Song
Development of Christian Song
Development of Christian Song
Development of Christian Song
Development of Christian Song
Development of Christian Song
Devotional Classics for the Pastor
Devotional Classics for the Pastor
Devotional Literature and Piety in the Lutheran Tradition (MTS)
Diaconal Ministry Project
(PhD) Public and Digital Humanities for Public Theology
Theology and Practice of Disaster Spiritual Care (upgrade)
Theology and Practice of Disaster Spiritual Care (STM/DMin upgrade)
Theology and Practice of Disaster Spiritual Care
Theology and Practice of Disaster Spiritual Care
Theology and Practice of Disaster Spiritual Care
Theology and Practice of Disaster Spiritual Care
Theology and Practice of Disaster Spiritual Care
Theology and Practice of Disaster Spiritual Care
Theology and Practice of Disaster Spiritual Care
Theology and Practice of Disaster Spiritual Care
Theology and Practice of Disaster Spiritual Care
Theology and Practice of Disaster Spiritual Care
Disaster in the Bible
(STM/DMin) Disaster in the Bible
Discerning a Direction Toward Renewal
Discerning a Direction Toward Renewal
Discerning a Direction Toward Renewal
Christian Discipleship in a Consumer Society
Christian Discipleship in a Consumer Society
Christian Discipleship in a Consumer Society
Christian Discipleship in a Consumer Society
I Thank God for You: Discipleship and Community in Paul's Letters
I Thank God for You: Discipleship and Community in Paul's Letters
Discipleship and the Gospels
Discipleship and the Gospels
Discipleship and the Gospels
Discipleship and the Gospels
I Thank God for You: Discipleship and Community in Paul
I Thank God for You: Discipleship and Community in Paul
PHD Dissertation: Gospel/Unrest
PhD Dissertation:
Doing Theology in a Religiously & Culturally Diverse World: Christolog
A Pastoral Approach to the Dying and the Bereaved
A Pastoral Approach to the Dying and the Bereaved
Dying for God
Dying for God
Dying for God: Martyrdom and Its Legacy
Dying for God: Martyrdom and Its Legacy
Dying for God
Dying for God (upgrade)
Dying for God
Dying for God (STM/DMin upgrade)
Dynamic Faith of the Church
Church History 1: Dynamic Faith of the Church
Dynamic Faith of the Church
E-Bible: Electronic Exegesis
Early Christian Literature and LIturgy
Early Christian Literature and Liturgy
Early Christian Literature and Liturgy
Early Christian Literature and LIturgy
Early Christian Literature and Liturgy (STM/DMin)
Early Christian Literature and Liturgy
Early Christian Liturgical Practices
Early Christian Liturgical Practices
Early and Medieval Church History
Early and Medieval Church History (UTI)
Early and Medieval Church History
Ecclesiastical Latin (Beginning)
Ecclesiastical Latin (Beginning)
Ecclesiology Today: Quest for Truth, Unity, Authority in Divided
Ecclesiology Today: Quest for Truth, Unity, Authority in Divided
EcoTheology in Christian History
EcoTheology in Christian History
Economic Ethics
The Economy of Faith: Reading Paul from the Heart
The Ecumenical Church's Mission
The Ecumenical Church's Mission
Ecumenism East to West
Ecumenism East to West
Ecumenical Social Ethics
An Ecumenical Theology
An Ecumenical Theology
Ecumenical Travel Seminar
Ecumenical Travel Seminar
Ecumenical Travel Seminar
Ecumenical Travel Seminar
Ecumenical Travel Seminar
Ecumenical Travel Seminar
Ecumenical Travel Seminar
Ecumenical Travel Seminar
Ecumenism in Parish Ministry
The Ecumenical Church
The Ecumenical Church
The Ecumenical Church
The Ecumenical Church
The Ecumenical Church (STM/DMin upgrade)
The Ecumenical Church
The Ecumenical Church (STM/DMin upgrade)
The Future of the Ecumenical Movement
The Future of the Ecumenical Movement
Ecumenical Theology
Ecumenical Theology
Ecumenism: Prayer and Theology
Ecumenism: Prayer and Theology
Educational Ministry with Adults
Educational Ministry with Adults
Educational Ministry with Adults
Education Ministry with Adults
Education Ministry with Adults
Educational Ministry with Adults
Educational Ministry with Adults
Educational Ministry with Adults
Seminars on Educational Ministries of the Church
Educational Practice in the Parish
Educational Practice in the Parish
Educational Practice in the Parish
Educational Practice in the Parish
Educational Practice in the Parish
Educational Practice in the Parish
Educational Practice in the Parish
Educational Practice in the Parish
Education for Interreligious Engagement
Christians at the Edge of Empire: Communities and Theologies of Non-Ch
Christians at the Edge of Empire: Communities and Theologies of Non-Ch
Christians at the Edge of Empire: Communities and Theologies of Non-Ch
Christians at the Edge of Empire [EC]
Christians at the Edge of Empire
Emerging American Religions
Emerging American Religions
Emerging American Religions
Emerging Trends in the Family: Challenge to Congregational Minist
Emerging Trends in the Family: Challenge to Congregational Minist
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Christian Encounters with Other Faiths
Christian Encounters with Other Faiths
Environmental History of Christianity
Environmental History of Christianity
STM/DMIN Environment, Faith, and Praxis
(STM/DMin) Environment/Faith/Praxis
Environment/Faith/Praxis (STM/DMin upgrade)
(STM/DMin) Environment, Faith & Praxis
Environment and Religion in Northern Appalachia
(STM/DMin) Environment and Religion in Northern Appalachia
Environment and Religion in Northern Appalachia
(STM/DMin) Environment and Religion in Northern Appalachia
(STM/DMin) Environmental History of Christianity
(STM/DMin) Environmental History of Christianity
Environmental History of Christianity
Environment, Faith and Praxis
Environment, Faith and Praxis
Environment, Faith, and Praxis
Environment, Faith, and Praxis
Environment, Faith, and Praxis
(STM/DMin) Environmental History of Christianity
Environment, Faith & Praxis
The Proposed Episcopal-Lutheran Concordat
The Epistles: Romans to Jude
The Epistles: Romans to Jude
Epistles and Revelation
Epistles and Revelation
Epistles and Revelation
Epistles & Revelation
(STM/DMin) Equipping the Saints: Rural Church
Equipping the Saints: Rural Church
Equipping the Saints I
Equipping the Saints I (STM/DMin upgrade)
STM/DMIN: Equipping the Saints: Rural Church
Equipping the Saints: Church Administration and Leadership for 21st Ce
Equipping the Saints
Equipping the Saints
Equipping the Saints
Equipping the Saints: Rural Church
Equipping the Saints
Equipping the Saints (STM/DMin upgrade)
Equipping the Saints (STM/DMin upgrade)
Equipping the Saints
Equipping the Saints
Equipping the Saints (STM/DMin upgrade)
Equipping the Saints (STM/DMin upgrade)
Equipping the Saints
Essentials of Anglicanism: Back to Front and Inside Out
Christian Ethics in a Consumer Society (OL)
Christian Ethics in a Consumer Society (OL)
Ethics and the Examined LIfe
Ethics of Public Leadership
Ethics of Public Leadership
Ethics of Public Leadership
Ethics and Public Leadership
Ethics and Public Leadership
Ethics in the Lutheran Tradition (MTS)
Ethics of Life
Ethics of Life
Ethics and the Examined Life
Ethics and Spirituality in Aging
Ethics and Spirituality in Aging
Eucharist and the Koinonia of the Church
Eucharist and the Koinonia of the Church
Eucharist and the Koinonia of the Church
Eucharist and the Koinonia of the Church
Eucharist Across the Traditions
Faithful Evangelism and Stewardship
(STM/DMin) Faithful Evangelism and Stewardship
Evangelicalism in America
Evangelicalism in America
Evangelism and Worship
Where Is God? Christian Response to Evil and Suffering
Where Is God? Christian Response to Evil and Suffering
(STM/DMin) Environmental History of Christianity
Exegetical Options for the Preacher
Exegesis to Proclamation
From Exegesis to Proclamation
Exegesis to Proclamation
From Exegesis to Proclamation
Exegetical Options for the Preacher
Exegetical Options for the Preacher
Exegetical Practicum
Exegetical Practicum
Exodus in African and African-American Interpretation
Exodus in African and African-American Interpretation
Fragments of the Face of God: Transformative Learning and the Lives of
(STM/DMin) Fragments of the Face of God
Globalizing Christianity: Faith & Film
Faith Across the Lifespan
Faith Across the Lifespan
Faith Formation
Faith and Film
Faith and Film (STM/DMin)
Faith and Film
(STM/DMin upgrade) Faith and Film
Faith and Film
Faith and Film (STM/DMin)
Faith and Film
Faith and Film (STM/DMin)
Faith-Based Community Organizing STM/DMIN
Faith-based Community Organizing
Faith and Film in America: Resources for Using Movies in Parish
Faith and Film in America: Resources for Using Movies in Parish
Faith and Film in America: Resources for Using Movies in Parish
Faith and Film in America: Resources for Using Movies in Parish
Faith, History and Finance
Faith, History and Finance
Faithful Stewardship
(STM/DMin) Faithful Stewardship
Famous Preachers
Famous Preachers
Famous Preachers
Famous Preachers' Sermon Styles
Famous Preachers' Sermon Style
Famous Preachers' Sermon Style
Father, Children, Home
Father, Children, Home
Father, Children, Home
Father, Children, Home
Father, Children, Home
Father, Children, Home
Father, Children, Home
Father, Children, Home in the New Testament
Father, Children, Home in the New Testament
(STM/DMin) A Feminist Reading of Galatians
A Feminist Reading of Galatians
Feminist, Womanist, and Queer Theologies
Feminist, Womanist, and Queer Theologies (STM/DMin upgrade)
Feminist, Womanist, and Queer Theologies
Feminist, Womanist, and Queer Theologies (STM/DMin upgrade)
Feminist and Womanist Illuminations of Christian Doctrine
Feminist and Womanist Illuminations of Christian Doctrine
Feminist and Womanist Theo-Ethics
Feminist and Womanist Theo-Ethics (STM/DMin upgrade)
Feminist Theology
Fewer Dropped Calls: Preaching That Connects w/Listeners
Field Education (First Year)
Field Education (Second Year)
Field Education (Full Unit - Advanced Standing)
Field Education (Fall Half)
Field Education (Fall Quarter)
Field Education (Spring Quarter)
Field Education (Spring Half)
Field Education (Summer Half)
Field Education (Summer Quarter)
Field Education, First Year (Rotation)
Field Education, First Year (Rotation)
Field Education, First Year (Rotation)
Field Education, First Year (Rotation)
Field Education, First Year (Rotation)
Field Education, First Year (Rotation)
Field Education, First Year (Rotation)
Field Education, First Year (Rotation)
Field Education, First Year (Site)
Field Education, First Year (Site)
Field Education, First Year (Site)
Field Education, First Year (Site)
Field Education, First Year (Site)
Field Education, First Year (Rotation)
Field Education, First Year (Rotation)
Field Education, First Year (Rotation)
Field Education, First Year (Rotation)
Field Education, First Year (Rotation)
Field Education, First Year (Rotation)
Field Education, First Year (Rotation)
Field Education, First Year (Rotation)
Field Education, First Year (Rotation)
Field Education, First Year (Rotation)
Field Education, First Year (Rotation)
Field Education, First Year (Rotation)
Field Education, First Year (Site)
Field Education, First Year (Site)
Field Education, First Year (Site)
Field Education, First Year (Site)
Field Education, First Year (Site)
Field Education, First Year (Site)
Field Education, First Year (Site)
Field Education, First Year (Site)
Field Education 2, Second Year
Field Education 2, Second Year
Field Education, Second Year
Field Education, Second Year
Field Education, Second Year
Field Education, Second Year
Field Education, Second Year
Field Education, Second Year
Field Education, Second Year
Field Education, Second Year
Field Education Equivalency
Field Education Equivalency
Field Education Equivalency, First Year
Field Education Equivalency
Field Education Equivalency
Field Education Equivalency
Field Education Equivalency
Field Education Ia (Urban Section)
Field Education Ib (Urban Section)
Field Education Practicum
Field Ed work 2 - MAPL
Field Education 1a (for credit)
Field Education 1a (non-credit)
Field Education 1a (non-credit)
Field Education 1b (for credit)
Field Education 1b (non-credit)
Field Education 1b (non-credit)
Field Education 2a (for credit)
Field Education 2a (non-credit)
Field Education 2a (non-credit)
Field Education 2b (for credit)
Field Education 2b (non-credit)
Field Education 2b (non-credit)
Field Education I
Field Education 1, First Year
Field Education IIa
Field Education IIa
Field Education IIa
Field Education IIa
Field Education IIa
Field Education IIa
Field Education IIb
Field Education IIb
Field Education IIb
Field Education IIb
Field Education IIb
Field Education IIb
Field Education Ia
Field Education 1a
Field Education Ia
Field Education Ia
Field Education Ia
Field Education Ia
Field Education Ib
Field Education Ib
Field Education Ib
Field Education Ib
Field Education Ib
Field Education Ib
Field Education Ib
Field Education IIb (Equivalency)
Film and Faith: Engaging Media for Congregations and Public Theology
Film and Faith: Engaging Media for Congregations and Public Theology
First Theologians: African Guides on the Christian Way
First Theologians: African Guides on the Christian Way
First Theologians: African Guides on the Christian Way
First Theologians: African Guides on the Christian Way
Foundations of Systematic Theology
Foundations of Systematic Theology
Foundations of Systematic Theology
Food Justice
The Footsteps of Paul
(STM/DMin) Forgiveness
Forming Faith Playfully
Formation Group 1
Formation Group 1
Formation Group 1
Formation Group 1
Formation Group 1
Formation Group 1 (Evening)
Formation Group 2
Formation Group 2
Formation Group 2
Formation Group 2
Formation Group 2
Formation Group 2
Formation Group 2
Formation Group 2
Formation Group 2
Formation Group 2 (Evening)
Formation Group 2 (Evening)
Fortunes of Zion: American Christianity, Bible, Middle East
Fortunes of Zion: American Christianity, Bible, Middle East
Pilgrimages to Gospel Freedom Travel Seminar
From Text to Sermon
Fundamentals of Spanish Language
Fundamentals of Spanish Language
Guatemala Immersion: Fundamentals of Spanish Language
Funny Faith
Funny Faith
Funny Faith
Funny Faith
Gearing Up for Mission
Gearing Up for Mission
Gearing Up for Mission
Gender, Sexuality, and Leadership
Gender, Sexuality, and Leadership
Genesis Interpreted
Genesis Interpreted
Genesis Interpreted
Genesis Interpreted
Genesis Interpreted
Genesis Interpreted
Genesis Interpreted
Genesis Interpreted
Genesis Interpreted
Genesis and Supersessionism
(Luther) Genesis to Revelation
Global Christianity
Exploring and Examining Global Christianity
Global Christianity
Exploring and Examining Global Christianity
Exploring and Examining Global Christianity
Exploring and Examining Global Christianity (GL)
Exploring and Examining Global Christianity
Exploring and Examining Global Christianity
Exploring and Examining Global Christianity [GL]
Theology 2: Global Christologies: The Beautiful Faces of Christ
Global Travel Seminar
Global Travel Seminar
Global Travel Seminar
Global Travel Seminar
Global Travel Seminar
Global Travel Seminar
Global Travel Seminar
Global Travel Seminar
Global Travel Seminar
Global Christologies: The Beautiful Faces of Christ
Globalizing Christianity
STM/DMIN Globalizing Christianity
STM/DMIN God & Guns
God and Creation: Perspectives from Science and Religion
God and Creation: Perspectives from Science and Religion
God and Creation: Perspectives from Science and Religion
God and Creation: Perspectives from Science and Religion
God and Guns
God and Reason
God and Reason
Shaping a Community: God and God's People in Exodus
Shaping a Community: God and God's People in Exodus
God, Evil and Suffering in Biblical Perspective
God, Evil and Suffering in Biblical Perspective
God-Talk and Public Leadership
God-Talk and Public Leadership
God-Talk and Public Leadership
God-Talk and Public Leadership
God-Talk and Public Leadership
God-Talk and Public Leadership
Pastoral Theology of Good and Evil
Pastoral Theology of Good and Evil
Gospel and Culture: Women/Men, Humans/Nature, Empowerment
Gospel and Culture
Gospel and Culture: Scriptures, Religions, Understanding of Jesus
Gospel and Culture: Scriptures, Religions, Understanding of Jesus
Gospel and Culture: Women/Men, Humans/Nature, Empowerment
Gospel and Cultures
Gospel and Cultures
Gospel and Cultures
Experiencing and Performing the Gospel According to Mark
Gospel Parables
Gospel Parables
Gospel Parables
Gospel Parables
Interpreting the Gospel in a World Context
Interpreting the Gospel in a World Context
Gospel and Culture
Gospel and Culture
Gospel and Culture: Scriptures, Religions, and Understandings of Jesus
Gospel and Culture: Scriptures, Religions, and Understandings of Jesus
The Gospel for My People
The Gospel for My People
The Gospel of John
The Gospel of John
The Gospel of John
The Gospel of John
The Gospel of John
The Gospel of John
The Gospel of John
Gospel of John
(STM/DMin) Gospel of John
Gospel of John
Gospel of John (STM/DMin)
Prepare to Preach/Teach the Gospel of Matthew
Prepare to Preach/Teach the Gospel of Matthew
Gospel as Communication: The Word of God
Gospel as Communication: The Word of God
The Gospel in Cross-Cultural Context (Guyana)
The Gospel in Cross-Cultural Context
The Gospel in Cross-Cultural Context (So. Car.)
The Gospel in Cross-Cultural Context (Israel)
The Gospel in Cross-Cultural Context
The Gospel in Cross-Cultural Context
Gospels and Acts
Gospels and Acts
Gospels and Acts
The Gospels and the Epistles
Interpreting the Gospels in a World Context
Interpreting the Gospels in a World Context
Grace and Place
Grace and Place
Graduate Ethics Seminar
Graduate Ethics Seminar
Reclaiming the Great Commission: Evangelizing Today
Reclaiming the Great Commission: Evangelizing Today
Reclaiming the Great Commission: Evangelizing Today
Reclaiming the Great Commission: Evangelizing Today
Reclaiming the Great Commission: Evangelizing Today
Reclaiming the Great Commission: Evangelizing Today
Reclaiming the Great Commission
Reclaiming the Great Commission
Reclaiming the Great Commission
Reclaiming the Great Commission [ME] (online)
Greek: Language of the Early Church and the Church Today
Greek: Language of the Early Church
Greek: Language of the Early Church
Greek: Language of the Early Church
Greek: Language of the Early Church
Introduction to Greek (graded)
Introduction to Greek (graded)
Introduction to Greek (pass/fail)
Introduction to Greek (pass/fail)
Greek Exegesis
Greek Exegesis
Greek I (Introduction)
Greek I (Introduction)
Greek I (Introduction) Test-Out
Greek II (Introduction cont'd)
Greek II (Introduction cont'd)
Greek II (Introduction cont'd) Test-Out
Greek Readings (graded)
Greek Readings (graded)
Greek Readings (pass/fail)
Greek Readings (pass/fail)
Intro to New Testament Greek (Tutorial)
Greek: Language of the Early Church
Greek Readings: Acts (graded)
Greek Readings: Acts (pass/fail)
Greek Readings: Corinthians 1, 2 (graded)
Greek Readings: Corinthians 1, 2 (pass/fail)
Greek Readings: 1 Timothy/Pastoral Epistles (graded)
Greek Readings: Epistles (graded)
Greek Readings: 1 Timothy/Pastoral Epistles (pass/fail)
Greek Readings: Epistles (pass/fail)
Greek Readings: Epistles
Greek Readings: Galatians (graded)
Greek Readings: Galatians (graded)
Greek Readings: Galatians (pass/fail)
Greek Readings: Galatians (pass/fail)
Greek Readings: General (graded)
Greek Readings: General (graded)
Greek Readings: General (graded)
Greek Readings: General (pass/fail)
Greek Readings: General (pass/fail)
Greek Readings: General (pass/fail)
Greek Readings: Gospels (pass/fail)
Greek Readings: Gospels (graded)
Greek Readings: John (graded)
Greek Readings: John (graded)
Greek Readings: John (pass/fail)
Greek Readings: The Gospel of Luke (graded)
Greek Readings: The Gospel of Luke (pass/fail)
Greek Readings: Mark (graded)
Greek Readings: Mark (graded)
Greek Readings: Mark (graded)
Greek Readings: Mark (pass/fail)
Greek Readings: Mark (pass/fail)
Greek Readings: Mark (pass/fail)
Greek Readings: Matthew (graded)
Greek Readings: Matthew (pass/fail)
Greek Readings: Philippians (graded)
Greek Readings: Philippians (pass/fail)
Greek Readings: Romans (graded)
Group Dynamics in the Church
Group Dynamics in the Church
Guatemala Immersion: The Bible and Immigration in the United States an
Guatemala Immersion: Practicing Bold Humility as Accompaniment and its
Guitar, Mission, and Culture
(STM/DMin) Guitar, Mission, and Culture
Healing and Miracle in New Testament Times
Healing and Miracle in New Testament Times
Healing and Miracle in New Testament Times
Healing and Miracle in New Testament Times
(TUSSW) Dynamics of Health, Health Care, and Health Systems
Healthy Congregations
Healthy Congregations
The Healthy Minister
Healthy Spirituality
Healthy Spirituality (STM/DMin upgrade)
Hebrew Readings: General
Hebrew Readings: General (graded)
Hebrew Readings: General (graded)
Hebrew Readings: General (graded)
Hebrew Readings: General (graded)
Hebrew Readings: General (graded)
Hebrew Readings: General (pass/fail)
Hebrew Readings: General (pass/fail)
Hebrew Readings: General (pass/fail)
Hebrew Readings: General (pass/fail)
Hebrew Readings: General (pass/fail)
Hebrew Readings: Prophets
Hebrew Readings: Prophets (graded)
Hebrew Readings: Prophets (pass/fail)
Hebrew Readings: Psalms/Wisdom (graded)
Hebrew Readings: Psalms/Wisdom (pass/fail)
Introduction to Hebrew
Hebrew (STM/DMin upgrade)
Hebrew (STM/DMin upgrade)
Hebrew (STM/DMin upgrade)
Hebrew (STM/DMin upgrade)
Introduction to Hebrew (test-out)
Introduction to Hebrew (cont'd)
Introduction to Hebrew (graded)
Introduction to Biblical Hebrew (graded)
Introduction to Hebrew (pass/fail)
Introduction to Biblical Hebrew (pass/fail)
Hebrew Exegesis
Hebrew Exegesis
Hebrew I (Introduction)
Hebrew II (Introduction cont'd)
Hebrew Prophets: Good, Bad and Ugly
Hebrew Prophets: Good, Bad, and Ugly
Hebrew Readings (graded)
Hebrew Readings (pass/fail)
Hebrew Readings
The Epistle to the Hebrews
The Epistle to the Hebrews
Heresies and Orthodoxies: From 1st to 21st Centuries
Heresies and Orthodoxies: From 1st to 21st Centuries
Heresies and Orthodoxies: From 1st to 21st Centuries
Heresies and Orthodoxies: From 1st to 21st Century
The Hermeneutics of Faith
The Hermeneutics of Faith
The Hermeneutics of Faith
Heroines, Harlots and Handmaids
Heroines, Harlots and Handmaids
Heroines, Harlots and Handmaids
Heroines, Harlots and Handmaids
Heroines, Harlots and Handmaids
Heroines, Harlots and Handmaids
Heroines, Harlots and Handmaids
Heroines, Harlots and Handmaids
Hip Hop, Faith, and the Prophetic
Hip Hop, Faith, and the Prophetic
Hip Hop and Faith
Hip Hop and Faith
Deep Calls to Deep: Hip Hop and Faith
Deep Calls to Deep: Hip Hop and Faith
HIstorical Church Leaders
Historical Church Leaders
History of Christianity (On-Line)
Historical Church Leaders
The Quests for the Historical Jesus and Christology
The Quests for the Historical Jesus and Christology
Historical Church Leaders
History of Lutheranism
History of Lutheranism
History of Modern Christianity
History of Modern Christianity (STM/DMin upgrade)
History of Modern Christianity
History of Modern Christianity
History of Modern Christianity (STM/DMin upgrade)
History of Christianity to 1500
History of Christianity to 1500
History of Christianity to 1500 (STM/DMin upgrade)
History of Christianity to 1500
History of Christianity to 1500 (STM/DMin upgrade)
History of Christianity to 1500
History of Christianity to 1500 (STM/DMin upgrade)
CTS: History of Christianity
History and Theology of Mission
History and Theology of Mission
History and Theology of Mission
History and Theology of Mission
History and Beliefs of the Church
History and Theology of Mission
Historical Books: Genesis to Ecclesiastes
Historical Books: Genesis to Ecclesiastes
Historical Books: Genesis to Ecclesiastes
Historical Books: Genesis to Ecclesiastes
Historical Books
Historical Books
Historical Books
Historical Books
Historical Books
Historical Church Leaders
Historical Church Leaders
The Historical Jesus
The Historical Jesus
The Historical Jesus
Introduction to the History of Christianity
Introduction to the History of Christianity
Intro to the History of Christianity
Intro to the History of Christianity
History of Lutheranism
The History of Lutheranism
History of Lutheranism
History of Lutheranism
History of Lutheranism
History of Lutheranism
History of Lutheranism (STM/DMin upgrade)
The History of Christianity
The History of Christianity (Evening)
History of the Eucharist
The History of the Christian Concept of Love
The History of the Christian Concept of Love
Globalizing Christianity: History of Lutheranism
Diaconia: History of Christianity
History of Xianity
The History of Christianity
History of Eschatology
History of Eschatology
Homelessness and the Gospel
Introduction to Homiletics
Introduction to Homiletics
Introduction to Homiletics
Introduction to Homiletics
Introduction to Homiletics (Honors)
Introduction to Homiletics (Latino)
Homiletics I
Homiletics I
Homiletics I
Homiletics I (UTI)
Homiletics II
Homiletics II
Homiletics II
Homiletics II (UTI)
Honors Independent Study
Hospitality and Hostility: Sacraments & Church in Globalized World
Hospitality and Hostility: Sacraments & Church in Globalized World
Human Being in Black: Theological Anthropology from Black Perspec
Human Being in Black: Theological Anthropology from Black Perspec
Human Development in Faith Perspective
Human Development in Faith Perspective
Human Development in Faith Perspective
Human Development in Faith Perspective
Nolde Seminar on Human Rights
Ind Study:
Ind Study:
Ind Study:
Ind Study:
Ind Study:
Ind Study:
The Idea of Story: Using Theological Themes in Literature
Images of God
Language and Images of Christian Preaching
Language and Images of Christian Preaching
Incarnational Theology in Swedenborgian Context
Ind Study:
Ind Study:
Independent Study (Black Church)
Independent Study (Black Church)
Independent Study (DMin)
Independent Study (DMin)
Independent Study (DMin)
Independent Study (DMin)
Independent Study (Latino)
Independent Study (Latino)
Independent Study (Latino)
Independent Study (PhD)
Independent Study (PhD)
Independent Study (PhD)
Independent Study (PhD)
Independent Study (STM)
Independent Study (STM)
Independent Study (STM)
Independent Study (STM)
Independent Study (Metro/Urban)
Independent Study (Metro/Urban)
Independent Study
Independent Study (First Professional, Half Unit)
Independent Study (First Professional)
Independent Study (First Professional)
Independent Study (First Professional, Half Unit)
Independent Study
Independent Study
Independent Study (First Professional)
Independent Study (First Professional, Half Unit)
Independent Study (First Professional)
Independent Study
Independent Study
Independent Study
Independent Study
Independent Study
Independent Study
Independent Study
STM/DMIN Independent Study
Independent Study
STM/DMIN Independent Study
Independent Study
Independent Study
Independent Study: Small Church Vitality
Independent Study
Independent Study
Travel Seminar to Indonesia [GL, IF]
Inner-Biblical Interpretation: Texts Rereading Texts
Inner-Biblical Interpretation: Texts Rereading Texts
Spanish for Ministry (Intermediate)
Inter-Seminary Seminar
Interfaith Travel Seminar
Interfaith Travel Seminar
Intermediate Theological German
Intermediate Hebrew: Beyond the Jots and Tittles
Intermediate Hebrew: Beyond the Jots and Tittles
Intermediate Koine Greek: Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics
Intermediate Koine Greek: Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics
Internship/Residency (Credit)
Internship, 1st Semester
Internship, 1st Semester
Internship, 2nd semester
Internship, 2nd semester
Issues in Interpreting Philippians
Issues in Interpreting Philippians
Issues in Interreligious Dialogue
Issues in Interreligious Dialogue
Issues in Interreligious Dialogue
Issues in Interreligious Dialogue
Interseminary Seminar
Interseminary Seminar
Interseminary Seminar
Interseminary Seminar
Interseminary Seminar
Interseminary Seminar
Interseminary Seminar
Interseminary Seminar
Interseminary Seminar
Interseminary Seminar
Interseminary Seminar [EC]
Interseminary Seminar [EC]
Interseminary Seminar
Interseminary Seminar
NYC Lay Leadership -- The Intertestamental Period
Introduction to Christian Education
Introduction to Christian Ethics
Introducing the Old Testament (OL)
Introduction to Public Theology
Introduction to Public Theology
Introduction to Public Theology
Experiential Introduction to Contemplative Christian Spirituality
Introduction to Greek (Test-Out)
Introduction to Greek (graded) (evening)
Introduction to Greek (graded)
Introduction to Greek (graded)
Introduction to Greek (graded)
Introduction to Greek (graded)
Introduction to Greek (pass/fail)
Introduction to Greek (pass/fail)
Introduction to Greek (pass/fail)
Introduction to Greek (pass/fail) (evening)
Introduction to Greek (pass/fail)
Introduction to Hebrew
Intro to the Hebrew Language and Literature
Introduction to Hebrew (graded)
Introduction to Hebrew (graded)
Introduction to Hebrew (graded) (evening)
Introduction to Hebrew (graded) (evening)
Introduction to Hebrew (graded)
Introduction to Hebrew (graded) (evening)
Introduction to Hebrew (graded)
Introduction to Hebrew (pass/fail)
Introduction to Hebrew (pass/fail)
Introduction to Hebrew (Evening - pass/fail))
Introduction to Hebrew (pass/fail) (evening)
Introduction to Hebrew (pass/fail) (evening)
Introduction to Hebrew (pass/fail)
Introduction to Hebrew (pass/fail)
Introduction to Homiletics
Introduction to Homiletics
Introduction to Islam (RRC)
Introduction to Judaism
Introduction to Liturgy
Introduction to Liturgy
Introduction to Liturgy
Introduction to Liturgy
Introduction to Liturgy
Introduction to Liturgy
Introduction to Liturgy
Introduction to Liturgy
Introduction to Liturgy
Introduction to Liturgy (Evening)
Introduction to Liturgy (Evening)
(STM/DMin) Introduction to Public Theology
Intro to Scripture
CTS: Introduction to Scripture
Introduction to Worship
An Experiential Introduction to Contemplative Christian Spirituality
Isaiah Interpreted
Isaiah Interpreted
The Book of Isaiah, Part 1
Islam (RRC)
Israel/Palestine/Jordan Travel Seminar
Issues in Urban Ministry
Issues in Urban Ministry
Issues in Urban Ministry
Issues in Urban Ministry
Issues in Urban Ministry
Issues in Urban Ministry
Issues in Urban Ministry
Issues in Christology
Issues in Christology
Life and Death Issues in Parish Ministry
JLC Cross Registration:
Jazz and Blues in American Religious History
Prophets Seminar: Jeremiah
Prophets Seminar: Jeremiah (STM/DMin)
Jesus in the Islamic Tradition
Jesus in Cultural Perspective
Jesus in Cultural Perspective
Jesus Once, Again and Now: Christologies for Today
Jesus Once, Again and Now: Christologies for Today
Jesus Once, Again and Now: Christologies for Today
Jesus Once and Now: Christology for Today
Jesus Once and Now: Christology for Today
Jesus Once, Again and Now: Christologies for Today
Jesus and Salvation: South African Perspectives
Jesus and Salvation: South African Perspectives
Jesus and the Bible in Islam [IF]
Jesus and the Bible in Islam
Jesus and Cultural Perspectives
Globalizing Christianity: Jesus in Cultural Perspective
STM/DMIN Jesus in Cultural Perspective
Jesus in Cultural Perspective
(STM/DMin) Jesus in Cultural Perspective
Jesus in Cultural Perspective
(STM/DMin) Jesus in Cultural Perspective
Jewish-Christian Relations
Jewish-Christian Relations
Jewish-Christian Encounter Through Text Study
Jewish-Christian Encounter Through Text Study
Jews and Judaism in Christian Biblical Theology (STM/DMin)
Job, Suffering, and the Holocaust
Job and Suffering
Job and Suffering
STM/DMIN Job & Human Suffering
John's Island Service Travel Seminar
Johns Island Service Travel Seminar
Johns Island Service Travel Seminar [GL]
Johns Island Service Travel Seminar [GL]
Judaism and Islam (RRC/TU)
Judgement and Justice
Judgement and Justice (STM/DMin)
Judgment and Justice
Judgment and Justice
Judgment and Justice
Judgment and Justice (STM/DMin)
Judgment and Justice
Judgment and Justice (STM/DMin)
The Spirituality of Julian of Norwich
Justification and Justice: Reformation History/Contemp Issues
Koinonia Ecclesiology
Koinonia Ecclesiology
LGBTQ Liberation Theology
LGBTQ Liberation Theology (upgrade)
LTSS XReg: MIN 580 Military Chaplaincy Discernment
Xreg: MIN 580 Military Chaplaincy Discernment
STM/DMin - LWF Travel Seminar
Lutheran World Federation Meeting, Krakow
Lands of the Bible: Resources and Tools for Teaching and Travel (OL)
Lands of the Bible: Resources and Tools for Teaching and Travel (OL)
The Language of the Early Church and the Church Today
The Language of the Early Church
Guatemala Immersion: Latin American Liberation Theology: From Medellin
Latin American Liberation Theology: From Medellin to Today
Latin American Liberation Theology
Latin American Theology
Latin American Theology
Latin American Theology
Latin American Theology
Latin American Theology
Latin American Theology [EC]
Latin American Theology
Readings in Christology (Latino)
Readings in Christology (Latino)
Introduction to Hispanic/Latino Theology and Ministry
Hispanic/Latino Theology and Ministry
U.S. Latino/a Theology and Ministry
U.S. Latino/a Theology and Ministry
Hispanic/Latino Theology and Ministry
Latinx Ministry in Context
Latinx Ministry in Context
Religious Leadership in a Multifaith Society
Leadership Challenges in the 21st Century
Leadership Challenges in the 21st Century
Leadership and Congregational Renewal
Leadership and Congregational Renewal
Lectionary and the Liturgical Year
The Lectionary and Preaching
The Lectionary and Preaching
Leftover course credit (half unit)
Leftover course credit (half unit)
Lenten Pilgrimage: Latinx Ministry Travel Seminar to Antigua, Guatemal
Leshon HaQodesh: The Sacred Language
Letter to the Romans: New Perspective on Paul
Letter to the Romans: New Perspective on Paul
Letter to the Romans: New Perspective on Paul
Letter to the Romans: New Perspective on Paul
Liberating Exodus
Liberating Exodus
Theologies of Liberation
Theologies of Liberation
Liberation Theologies and Beyond: Promise, Critique, and Alternatives
(STM/DMin) Liberation Theologies and Beyond: Promise, Critique, and Al
Life Passages: Liturgy and Preaching
Life Passages: Liturgy and Preaching
Life Passages: Liturgy and Preaching [EC, ME]
Life Passages: Liturgy and Preaching
Life Passages
Life Passages
Life Passages (STM/DMin upgrad)
Life Passages
Life Passages (STM/DMin upgrade)
Life Passages and Liturgy
Life Passages and Liturgy
Life Passages and Liturgy
Life Passages and Liturgy
Life Passages and Liturgy
Life Passages and Liturgy
Life, Death and Salvation in a Multi-Faith World
The Life, Times, and Thought of Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Life, Times, and Thought of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Liturgical Ensemble 1a, First Year, First Semester
Liturgical Ensemble 1a, First Year, First Semester
Liturgical Ensemble 1a, 1st Year, 1st Semester
Liturgical Ensemble 1b, First Year, Second Semester
Liturgical Ensemble 1b, First Year, Second Semester
Liturgical Ensemble 1b, 1st Year, 2nd Semester
Liturgical Ensemble 2a, Second Year, First Semester
Liturgical Ensemble 2a, Second Year, First Semester
Liturgical Ensemble 2a, Second Year, First Semester
Liturgical Ensemble 2a, 2nd Year, 1st Semester
Liturgical Ensemble 2b, Second Year, Second Semester
Liturgical Ensemble 2b, Second Year, Second Semester
Liturgical Ensemble 2b, Second Year, Second Semester
Liturgical Ensemble, First Year, Fall Semester
Liturgical Ensemble Ib
Liturgical Ensemble IIa
Liturgical Ensemble IIb
Liturgical Music Leadership 1, 1st Year
Liturgical Music Leadership 1, 1st Year
Liturgical Music Leadership 2, 2nd Year
Liturgical Music Leadership 2, 2nd Year
Liturgical Music Leadership, First Year
Liturgical Music Leadership 1b
Liturgical Music Leadership IIb
Liturgical Music Leadership IIa
Liturgical Music Leadership 1a, First Year, First Semester
Liturgical Music Leadership 1a, First Year, First Semester
Liturgical Music Leadership 1a, First Year, First Semester
Liturgical Music Leadership 1a, 1st Year, 1st Semester
Liturgical Music Leadership 1b, First Year, Second Semester
Liturgical Music Leadership 1b, First Year, Second Semester
Liturgical Music Leadership 1b, First Year, Second Semester
Liturgical Music Leadership 1b, 1st Year, 2nd Semester
Liturgical Music Leadership 2a, Second Year, First Semester
Liturgical Music Leadership 2a, Second Year, First Semester
Liturgical Music Leadership 2a, 2nd Year, 1st Semester
Liturgical Music Leadership 2b, Second Year, Second Semester
Liturgical Music Leadership 2b, Second Year, Second Semester
Liturgical Music Leadership 2b, Second Year, Second Semester
Liturgical Planning and Presidency
Liturgy, Cosmology, Worldview
Liturgy, Cosmology, Worldview
Liturgy, Ethics, and Justice
Liturgy, Ethics, and Justice
Liturgical Ensemble 1, 1st Year
Liturgical Ensemble 1, 1st Year
Liturgical Ensemble 2, 2nd Year
Liturgical Ensemble 2, 2nd Year
LIturgical Ethnography (STM/DMin)
Liturgical Formation: Theology, History and Ceremonies of Christian Wo
Liturgical Formation: Theology, History and Ceremonies of Christian Wo
Liturgical Formation: Theology, History and Ceremonies of Christian Wo
Liturgical Formation: Theology, History and Ceremonies of Christian Wo
Liturgical Preaching
Liturgical Preaching
Liturgical Preaching
Liturgical Preaching
Liturgical Preaching
Liturgical Preaching
Liturgical Preaching
Liturgical Theology
Liturgical Theology
Liturgical Theologies
Liturgical Theologies
The Liturgical Year
The Liturgical Year
Liturgy and Culture
Liturgy and Culture
Liturgy and Culture
Liturgy and Origins: Sources for Renewal
Liturgy and Origins: Sources for Renewal
Liturgy and Time
Liturgy and Time
Introduction to Liturgy (Latino)
Introduction to Liturgy (at Moravian)
Liturgy for a New Day
Liturgy in Luther's Writings
Liturgy in Luther's Writings
Liturgy and Postcolonialism [EC, GL, IF, ME]
Liturgy and Postcolonialism
Living in the Biblical World
Living in the Biblical World
Living in the Biblical World: Creation and Social Order
Living in the Biblical World: Creation and Social Order (STM/DMin upgr
Living Scripture: The Bible in Christian Life
Living Scripture: The Bible in Christian Life
Living Scripture: The Bible in Christian Life
Living Scripture: The Bible in Christian Life
Living Scripture: The Bible in Christian Life
Living Scripture: The Bible in Christian Life
Living Scripture: The Bible in Christian Life
Living Scripture: The Bible in Christian Life
Living Scripture: The Bible and Christian Life
Living Scripture: The Bible and Christian Life
Living Our Lives in the Context of Faith
Living in the Biblical World: Creation and Social Order
The Lord's Supper and the Church as Communion
The Lord's Supper and the Church as Communion
The Lord's Supper and the Fellowship of the Church (EC)
The Lord's Supper and the Fellowship of the Church
The Lord's Supper and the Communion of the Church
Lord's Supper and the Church as Communion
Lord's Supper and the Church as Communion (upgrade)
The Lord's Supper and the Church as Communion
The Lord's Supper and the Church as Communion (STM/DMin upgrade)
(STM/DMin) The Public Theology of Audre Lorde, Mary Daly, and Ada-Mari
The Public Theology of Audre Lorde, Mary Daly, and Ada-Maria Isasi-Dia
Complicated Issues in Loss, Grief, and Death
Complicated Issues in Loss, Grief, and Death
Complicated Issues in Loss, Grief and Death
Complicated Issues in Loss, Grief and Death
Friendship, Love and Justice
Luke, Literature, and Lectionary
Luke, Literature, and Lectionary
Lutheran Confessions for Parish Practice
Lutheran Confessions for Parish Practice
Lutheran Confessions for Parish Practice
Lutheran Confessions for Parish Practice
Lutheran Confessions for Parish Practice
Lutheran Confessions for Parish Practice
Lutheran Confessions for Parish Practice
Lutheran Confessions for Parish Practice
Lutheran Confessions in Review (Bethlehem, PA)
The Lutheran Confessions
The Lutheran Confessions
The Lutheran Confessions
The Lutheran Confessions
The Lutheran Confessions
The Lutheran Confessions
Church History II: Lutheran Confessions (LV)
Church History II: Lutheran Confessions
The Lutheran Confessions
The Lutheran Confessions
Lutheran Confessions
The Lutheran Confessions
The Lutheran Confessions
Lutheran Confessions
Lutheran Confessions
Lutheran Confessions
Lutheran Confessions
Lutheran Confessions
The Lutheran Confessions (Lehigh Valley)
The Lutheran Confessions (NYC)
The Lutheran Confessions (NYC)
Theology of the Lutheran Confessions (Spanish)
Lutheran Hymnody
Lutheran Hymnody
Lutheran Hymnody
Lutheran Polity and Ecumenical Relations (NYC)
Lutheran Spirituality
Lutheran Spirituality
Lutheran Spirituality
Lutheran Spirituality
Lutherans and the Ecumenical Movement
Lutherans and the Ecumenical Movement
Lutheran Identity in an Ecumenical Age
Luther on Sanctification and Social Ethics
Luther and Social Welfare
Luther and Social Welfare
Luther and the Law
Luther and the Law
Luther's Life and Thought
(STM/DMin) Luther's Life and Thought
HC7398 Diaconal Ministry History and Formation
Luther's Theology in Luther's Hymns
Luther's Theology in Luther's Hymns
Luther's Theology in Luther's Hymns (Honors)
Luther and the Law
Luther and the Law
Luther and the Law
Luther and Liturgy: Demolishing the Tower of Babel
Luther and Liturgy: Demolishing the Tower of Babel
Luther and the Law
Luther and the Law
Luther on Baptism and Eucharist: Preaching the Gospel
Luther on Baptism and Eucharist: Preaching the Gospel
Luther the Liturgist
Luther the Liturgist (STM/DMin)
Luther the Pastor
Luther the Pastor
Luther the Pastor
Luther the Pastor
Luther the Pastor
Luther the Pastor
Luther the Pastor
Luther the Pastor
The Catechisms of Luther
The Catechisms of Luther
The Catechisms of Luther
The Catechisms of Luther
The Catechisms of Luther
The Catechisms of Luther
The Catechisms of Luther
Luther's Ethics in Ecumenical Encounter
Luther's Ethics in Ecumenical Encounter
Luther, the Jews and the Turk [IF]
Luther, the Jews, and the Turk
Luther, the Bible and Bach (travel seminar)
CTS: The Theology of Luther and the Lutheran Confessions
CTS: The Theology of Luther & the Lutheran Confessions
Lutheran Foundations
Lutheran Foundations
Lutheran Foundations (upgrade)
Lutheran Foundations
Lutheran Foundations (upgrade)
Lutheran Foundations
Lutheran Foundations (STM/DMin upgrade)
Lutheran Foundations
Lutheran Foundations (STM/DMin upgrade)
Lutheran Foundations
Lutheran Foundations
Lutheran Foundations
Lutheran Foundations
STM/DMIN Lutheran Foundations
CTS: Lutheran Foundations
Lutheran Heritage
CTS: Lutheran Heritage (C)
CTS: Lutheran Heritage
Lutheran Heritage (A)
CTS: Lutheran Leaders for Mission (C)
CTS: Lutheran Leadership for Mission (A)
CTS: Lutheran Leadership for Mission
Lutheran Liturgical Leadership
Lutheran Spirituality
Lutheran Spirituality
Lutheran Spirituality
Lutheran Spirituality
Lutherans and Jews
Lutherans and Jews
Lutherans and Jews
Lutherans and Jews
Lutherans and Jews
Lutherans and Jews
Lutherans in North America
Lutherans in North America
Lutherans in North America
Lutherans in North America
Lutherans in North America
Lutherans in North America
Lutherans in North America
Lutherans in North America
MA Project
Master of Arts - Thesis
MA Thesis
MA Thesis
MA Thesis:
MA Thesis:
MA Thesis
MA Thesis
MA Thesis 1
MAML Project
MAML Project: Faith Formation for People with Special Needs
MAML Project
MAML Project: Science and Theology Interactions
MAML Project
MAML Project
MAML Project
MAMS project
MAR Senior Comprehensive Examination
MAR Senior Project
MAR Thesis, Sem 1
MAR Thesis, Sem 1
MAR Thesis, Sem 2
MAR Thesis, Sem 2
MAR Thesis Preparation, Sem 2
MAR Thesis Preparation, Sem 2
MAR Thesis Preparation
MAR Thesis Preparation
Ministry Seminar: Urban Immersion
Ministry Seminar: Administration
Ministry Seminar: Church Growth
Ministry Seminar: Church Leadership at Ground Zero
Ministry Seminar: Community Organizing
Ministry Seminar: Conflict Management
Ministry Seminar: Skills for Productive Conflict
Ministry Seminar: The Dynamics of Congregational Process (Adv.)
Ministry Seminar: The Dynamics of Congregational Process (Basic)
Ministry Seminar: Dynamics of Congregational Process
Ministry Seminar: Understanding Cultural Pluralism
Ministry Seminar: Understanding Cultural Pluralism
Ministry Seminar: Building Blocks of Evangelism
Ministry Seminar: Caring for God's Creation
Ministry Seminar: Independent Project
Ministry Seminar: Independent Project
Ministry Seminar: The Practice of Interreligious Dialogue
Ministry Seminar: Leadership
Ministry Seminar: The Lutheran Expression in Pennsylvania
Ministry Seminar: The Magnet Church
Ministry Seminar: Market and Technology in the Church
Ministry Seminar: Market and Technology in the Church
Ministry Seminar: Preaching with Power
Ministry Seminar: Preaching with Power
Ministry Seminar: Preaching with Power
Ministry Seminar: Presiding in Liturgy
Ministry Seminar: Prison Ministry
Ministry Seminar: Prison Ministry
Ministry Seminar: The Purpose-Driven Church
Ministry Seminar: Social Action
Ministry Seminar: Stewardship
Ministry Seminar: Using the Web for Parish Communications
Ministry Seminar: Using the Web for Parish Communications
Ministry Seminar: Using the Web for Parish Communications
Ministry Seminar: Weddings and Funerals
Ministry Seminar: Weddings and Funerals
Ministry Seminar: Weddings and Funerals
Ministry Seminar: Youth Ministry
Major Doctrines
Major Doctrines
Major Doctrines
Major Doctrines
Major Doctrines
Major Doctrines
Major Doctrines
Major Doctrines
Managing Conflict in the Church
Many Reformations: The Church's Liturgy in History
Market and Technology in the Church
Marriage, Family, and Sexual Renunciation
Marriage and Celibacy
(STM/DMin) Marriage and Celibacy
Pastoral Care and Marriage and Family
Pastoral Care and Marriage and Family
Relationships, Marriage, and Family
Pastoral Care in Marriage and Family
Relationships, Marriage, and Family
Relationships, Marriage, Family and Congregation
Relationships, Marriage, Family and Congregation
Relationships, Marriage, Family and Congregation
Relationships, Marriage, Family and Congregation
Relationships, Marriage, and Family
Relationships, Marriage, and Family
Relationships, Marriage, and Family
Relationships, Marriage, and Family
Relationships, Marriage, and Family
Relationships, Marriage, and Family
The Gospel of Matthew
Matthew and Mark: Obedience to the Gospel
Maximizing the Gospel through "Mini-Study"
The Meaning of Jesus Christ
The Meaning of Jesus Christ
Rooted in the Means of Grace: Spirituality for Worship
Rooted in the Means of Grace: Spirituality for Worship
Rooted in the Means of Grace: Spirituality for Worship
Rooted in the Means of Grace
Medieval and Early Reformation Spirituality
Media Literacy
Media Literacy
Media Literacy
Media Literacy
Media Literacy
Media Literacy
Critical Media Literacy
Medieval Spirituality
Medieval Spirituality
Women Leaders of the Medieval Church
Women Leaders of the Medieval Church
Melanchthon's Theology
Melanchthon's Theology
Melanchthon's Theology
Melanchthon's Theology
Mental Health and Illness for Ministry
Mental Health and Illness for Ministry: Psychopathology for Pastoral P
Mental Health and Illness for Ministry: Psychopathology for Pastoral P
Methodist Polity and Doctrine
Methodist Polity and Doctrine
United Methodist Polity and Doctrine
Newer Methods of Exegesis
Newer Methods of Exegesis
Military Culture and Pastoral Care for Active Duty, Veterans, and Fami
Military Culture and Pastoral Care for Active Duty, Veterans, and Fami
(STM/DMin) Military Culture and Pastoral Care for Active Duty
MIN580 Military Chaplaincy Discernment
Millennial Vision: The Apocalypse of John
Ministry Action/Reflection for Musicians (First Year)
Ministry Action/Reflection for Musicians (Second Year)
Ministry Action/Reflection for Musicians, First Year
Ministry Action/Reflection for Musicians, First Year
Ministry Action/Reflection for Musicians, First Year
Ministry Action/Reflection for Musicians, 1st Year
Ministry Action/Reflection for Musicians, Second Year
Ministry Action/Reflection for Musicians, Second Year
Ministry Action/Reflection for Musicians, Second Year
Ministry Action/Reflection for Musicians, 2nd Year
Ministry Action/Reflection, First Semester
Ministry Action/Reflection, First Semester
Ministry Action/Reflection, First Semester
Ministry Action/Reflection, First Semester
Ministry Action/Reflection, Second Semester
Ministry Action/Reflection, Second Semester
Ministry Action/Reflection, Second Semester
Ministry Action/Reflection, Second Semester
Ministry Action/Reflection (Full Unit)
Ministry Action/Reflection (Half Unit)
Ministry Action/Reflection (Full Unit)
Ministry Action/Reflection (Half Unit)
Ministerial Immersion-Internship
Ministerial Immersion-Concurrent 1st Yr.
Ministerial Immersion - Concurrent 2nd Yr.
Ministerial Leadership Competency
Ministerial Leadership
Ministerial Leadership
Ministry Seminar: Independent Project
Ministering in the Urban Context
Ministering in the Urban Context
Ministerial Leadership waiver
Ministry with Younger Adults
Ministry with Children and Youth in the African American Church
Ministry with Older Persons
Ministry with Older Persons
Ministerial Immersion-Internship
Ministries in the Early Church
Minding Christ
Minding Christ
Minding Christ
Minding Christ
Minding Christ
Minding Christ
Minding Christ
Minding Christ
Ministerial Field Work
Ministerial Field Work
Ministerial Field Work
Ministerial Field Work
Ministerial Field Work
Ministerial Field Work
Ministerial Immersion waived
Ministerial Fieldwork
Ministerial Immersion competency
Ministry with Older Adults
Ministry Today
Ministry Wellness: Equipped for Turbulent Times
Ministry in Action
Ministry with Older Persons
Ministry with Older Persons
The Minor Prophets
The Minor Prophets
The Minor Prophets
The Minor Prophets
Preaching Miracles and Spirituality
(LTSG) Portraits of Mission Strategies
Understanding Mission Today [IF, ME]
Understanding Mission Today
Understanding Mission Today
Mission in the New Testament
Mission in the New Testament
The Gospel & Freedom: Mission and the Empowerment of the Marginalized
Mission and the Empowerment of the Marginalized
Mission and the Empowerment of the Marginalized
Mission and the Empowerment of the Marginalized
Mission and the Empowerment of the Marginalized
Mission and the Empowerment of the Marginalized
(STM/DMin) Mission and the Empowerment of the Marginalized
Missional Evangelism: Creativity in Context
Missional Evangelism: Creativity in Context
Missional Evangelism: Creativity in Context
Missional Evangelism: Creativity in Context
Missional Evangelism: Creativity in Context
A New Look at Missional Leadership
A New Look at Missional Leadership
A New Look at Missional Leadership
A New Look at Missional Leadership
Missional Leadership Today
Missional Leadership Today
Missional Leadership Today
Missional Leadership Today [ME]
Modern American Religion
Modern American Religion
Modern Anglican Theology
Modern Anglican Theology
Modern Anglican Theology
Modern Language Competency
Modern Language Competency Examination: French
Modern Language Competency Examination: German
Modern Language Competency Examination: German
Modern Language Competency Examination: Other
Modern Language Competency Examination: Spanish
Models of Urban Ministry
Models of Urban Ministry
Models of Urban Ministry
Models of Urban Ministry
Modern Language Competency
Modern Language Competency
Issues in Modern Theology
Issues in Modern Theology
Globalizing Christianity: History of Modern Christianity
Monastic Spirituality
Monastic Spirituality
Understanding Moral Value of Sex in Western Xian History/Early Confuci
Understanding Moral Value of Sex in Western Xian History/Early Confuci
Understanding of Moral Value of Sex in Western Christian History and E
(STM/DMin) Understanding of Moral Value of Sex in Western Christian Hi
Muhlenberg the Public Theologian
Muhlenberg the Public Theologian
Muhlenberg the Public Theologian
Muhlenberg the Public Theologian
Multicultural Religious Education in Congregations
A Multicultural Society Engaging a Monocultural Church
A Multicultural Society Engaging a Monocultural Church
A Multicultural Society Engaging a Monocultural Church
Musical Resources for the Congregation
Musical Resources for the Congregation
Music and Worship
Music in the Life of the Church
Practicum in Music Ministry 1, 1st Year
Practicum in Music Ministry 1, 1st Year
Practicum in Music Ministry 2, 2nd Year
Practicum in Music Ministry 2, 2nd Year
Music and Worship
Music and Worship
Music and Worship
Music and Worship
Music and Worship
Introduction to Music in the Church
Introduction to Music in the Church
Introduction to Music in the Church
Introduction to Music in the Church
Introduction to Music in the Church
Intro to Music in the Church
Intro to Music in the Church
Intro to Music in the Church
Intro to Music in the Church
Musical Resources for the Congregation
Musical Resources for the Congregation
Musical Resources for the Congregation
Islam and Muslim-Christian Relations
Islam and Muslim-Christian Relations
Islam and Muslim-Christian Relations
Islam and Muslim-Christian Relations
Christian Mysticism and Spirituality to the Reformation
Christian Mysticism and Spirituality to the Reformation
Mysticism and Spirituality in the Christian Tradition
(STM/DMin) Mysticism and Spirituality
Mysticism and Spirituality
Mysticism and Spirituality (STM/DMin)
New Testament Introduction (with Greek)
New Testament Introduction (with Greek)
New Testament Introduction (without Greek)
New Testament Introduction (without Greek)
Introduction to the New Testament 1 (without Greek) (test-out)
Introduction to the New Testament 1 (with Greek)
Introduction to the New Testament 1 (with Greek)
New Testament Introduction 1 (w/Greek)
Introduction to the New Testament 1 (with Greek)
New Testament Introduction 1 (w/Greek)
New Testament Introduction 1 (w/Greek)
New Testament Introduction 1 (without Greek)
New Testament Introduction 1 (without Greek)
Introduction to the New Testament 1 (without Greek)
Introduction to the New Testament 1 (without Greek)
Introduction to the New Testament 1 (without Greek)
New Testament Introduction 1 (without Greek)
Introduction to the New Testament 2 (with Greek)
Introduction to the New Testament 2 (with Greek)
New Testament Introduction 2 (with Greek)
New Testament Introduction 2 (with Greek)
Introduction to the New Testament 2 (with Greek) (Evening)
Introduction to the New Testament 2 (with Greek) (Evening)
Introduction to the New Testament 2 (without Greek)
Introduction to the New Testament 2 (without Greek)
New Testament Introduction 2 (without Greek)
New Testament Introduction 2 (without Greek)
Introduction to the New Testament 2 (without Greek) (Evening)
Introduction to the New Testament 2 (without Greek) (Evening)
New Testament Christologies
Introduction to the Greek of the New Testament
New Testament Survey
New Testament Survey I
New Testament Survey II
A Narrative Approach for Equipping the Saints
Narrative in the Old Testament
Narrative in the Old Testament
Narrative in the Old Testament
Narrative in the Old Testament
Narrative and Imagination in Preaching
Narrative and Imagination in Preaching
Neglected Apostles: Peter and James
Neglected Apostles
Neglected Apostles (STM/DMin upgrade)
New Religious Movements and Care
CTS: New Testament Foundations
New Testament Theology
Understanding the New Testament
Understanding the New Testament
Introduction to New Testament Greek
Introduction to New Testament Greek
New Testament I
New Testament I
New Testament II
New Testament II
Next Level Preaching
Next Level Preaching
Next Level Preaching
Next Level Preaching
Next Level Preaching (STM/DMin upgrade)
Next Level Preaching
Next Level Preaching (STM/DMin upgrade)
Next-Level Preaching
STM/DMIN Next Level Preaching
Nolde Seminar on Human Rights
Nolde Seminar on Human Rights [GL]
Nolde Seminar on Human Rights
Nolde Seminar on Human Rights
(Fox) SGM 5116 Non-Profit Governance: Sitting on a Board of Directors
Environment and Religion in Northern Appalachia
Old Testament Introduction (with Hebrew)
Old Testament Introduction (with Hebrew)
Old Testament Introduction (without Hebrew)
Old Testament Introduction (without Hebrew)
Old Testament Introduction (without Hebrew)
Introduction to the Old Testament 1 (without Hebrew) (test-out)
Introduction to the Old Testament 1 (with Hebrew)
Introduction to the Old Testament 1 (with Hebrew)
Introduction to the Old Testament 1 (with Hebrew)
Introduction to the Old Testament 1 (with Hebrew)
Introduction to the Old Testament 1 (with Hebrew)
Introduction to the Old Testament 1 (without Hebrew)
Introduction to the Old Testament 1 (without Hebrew)
Introduction to the Old Testament 1 (without Hebrew)
Introduction to the Old Testament 1 (without Hebrew)
Introduction to the Old Testament 1 (without Hebrew)
Introduction to the Old Testament 2 (with Hebrew)
Introduction to the Old Testament 2 (with Hebrew)
Introduction to the Old Testament 2 (with Hebrew)
Introduction to the Old Testament 2 (with Hebrew)
Introduction to the Old Testament 2 (with Hebrew)
Introduction to the Old Testament 2 (without Hebrew)
Introduction to the Old Testament 2 (without Hebrew)
Introduction to the Old Testament 2 (without Hebrew)
Introduction to the Old Testament 2 (without Hebrew)
Introduction to the Old Testament 2 (without Hebrew)
Literary Study of Biblical Texts: Poetry
Literary Study of Biblical Texts: Poetry
Old Testament Survey I
Old Testament Survey II
The Occasional Services
The Occasional Services
The Occasional Services
(TEEM) Introduction to the Old Testament
CTS: Old Testament Foundations
CTS: Old Testament Foundations
Old Testament I
Old Testament II
DMin On-Site Visit
DMin On-Site Visit
DMin On-Site Visit
Original Sin Reconsidered
(STM/DMin) Original Sin Reconsidered
Pastoral Care of the Dying and Bereaved
Pastoral Care in Marriage and Family
Pastoral Care in African American Tradition
Pastoral Care in African American Tradition
(TEEM) Pastoral Care in Congregational Settings
Pastoral Care with Women
Pastoral Care with Women
Pastoral Care with Women
Pastoral Care with Women
Pastoral Care of the Dying and Bereaved
Pastoral Care of the Dying and Bereaved
Public Leadership Case-Based Field Work 1
Public Leadership Case-Based Field Work 1
Public Leadership Case-Based Field Work 1
Public Leadership Case-Based Field Work 1
Public Leadership Case-Based Field Work 2
Public Leadership Case-Based Field Work 2
Public Leadership Case-Based Field Work 2
Public Leadership Case-Based Field Work 2
Public Leadership Case-Based Field Work 3
Public Leadership Case-Based Field Work 3
Public Leadership Case-Based Field Work 3
Public Leadership Case-Based Field Work 3
Parable and Healing: Stories of Jesus
Parable and Healing: Stories of Jesus
Gospel Parables
Gospel Parables
Gospel Parables
To Speak in Parables: Proclamation of the Gospel in the Parables of Je
Parables and Healing: Stories of Jesus
Parables and Healing: Stories of Jesus
Parables and the Parish
Parables and the Parish
The Parables of the Synoptic Gospels
Proclamation of the Gospel in the Parables of Jesus
(STM/DMin) Proclamation of the Gospel in the Parables of Jesus
Parables of Jesus (on-line)
Parables of Jesus (on-line)
The Parables of the Synoptic Gospels
The Parables of the Synoptic Gospels
Parish Administration
Introduction to Parish Liturgy
Introduction to Parish Liturgy (NYC)
Pastoral Care in the African American Church
Pastoral Care and Counseling in the African American Church
Pastoral Care and Counseling in the Black Church
The Pastor as Spiritual Director and Spiritual Leader (STM/DMin)
The Pastor as Theologian (UTI)
The Pastor as Theologian (Test-Out)
The Pastor as Theologian
The Pastor as Theologian
The Pastor as Theologian
The Pastor as Theologian
The Pastor as Theologian
The Pastor as Theologian (Latino)
The Pastor as Theologian
The Pastor as Theologian
The Pastor as Theologian (Latino)
The Pastor as Theologian (Test-Out)
The Pastor as Theologian
The Pastor as Theologian
The Pastor as Theologian
The Pastor as Theologian
The Pastor as Theologian
Basic Dimensions/Tasks of Pastoral Care/Counseling
Pastoral Care and Counseling
Basic Dimensions/Tasks of Pastoral Care/Counseling (p/f)
Introduction to Pastoral Care
Introduction to Pastoral Care
Introduction to Pastoral Care
Introduction to Pastoral Care
Basic Dimensions/Tasks of Pastoral Care/Counseling
Introduction to Pastoral Care
Introduction to Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care and Counseling
Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling
Introduction to Pastoral Care
Introduction to Pastoral Care
Basic Dimensions/Tasks of Pastoral Care/Counseling
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care
Introduction to Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care and Servant Formation
Pastoral Care and Servant Formation
CTS: Pastoral Care & Formation
Pastoral Care and Gender: Women and Men Together in Ministry
Pastoral Care and Gender: Women and Men Together in Ministry
NYC Lay Leadership - The Pastoral Letters
Pastoral Theology: Formation and Practice
Pastoral Theology: Formation and Practice
Pastoral Theology: Formation and Practice
Pastoral Theology: Formation and Practice
Pastoral Theology
Pastoral Theology
Pastoral Theology
Pastoral Theology (STM/DMin upgrade)
Pastoral Theology
Pastoral Theology (STM/DMin upgrade)
Pastoral Theology
Pastoral Theology
Pastoral Theology (STM/DMin upgrade)
Pastoral Theology
Paths of Conscience travel seminar
Paths of Conscience Travel Seminar
Paths of Conscience Travel Seminar
STM/DMin: Paths of Conscience
(STM/DMin) Paths of Conscience
(STM/DMin) Paths of Conscience
Paths of Conscience Travel Seminar
Patristic Pioneers: First Shapers of Christian Spirituality
Patristic Pioneers: First Shapers of Christian Spirituality
Paul and the Early Church (OL)
Paul to the Romans: Issues
Paul to the Romans: Issues
Paul and Justification
(STM/DMin) Paul and Justification
(STM/DMin) Paul, Women, and the Authority of Scripture
Paul, Women, and the Authority of Scripture
Paul, Women and the Authority of Scripture
(STM/DMin) Paul, Women, and the Authority of Scripture
History of Pauline Exegesis
Peacebuilding: An Introduction to Conflict Transformation
The Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement in America
Experiencing and Performing the Gospel
Experiencing and Performing the Gospel (STM/DMin)
Experiencing and Performing the Gospel According to Mark
(STM/DMin) Experiencing and Performing the Gospel According to Mark
Experiencing and Performing the Gospel
PhD Comprehensive Exams
PhD Comprehensive Examinations
Completion of PhD Comprehensive and Oral Examinations
PhD Comprehensive and Oral Examinations
PhD Comprehensive and Oral Examinations
PhD Dissertation
PhD Dissertation
PhD Dissertation
PhD Dissertation
PhD Dissertation
PhD Comprehensive and Oral Examinations
PhD Comprehensive and Oral Examinations
PhD Research Methods
PhD Teaching Experience
PhD Teaching Experience
PhD Teaching Experience
PhD Teaching Experience
PhD Teaching Seminar
PhD Teaching Seminar
PhD Teaching Seminar
PhD Teaching Seminar
Philippians among the Letters of Paul
Philippians among the Letters of Paul
Philosophical Resources for Theology
Philosophical Resources for Theology
Pine Ridge Reconciliation Ctr/Jterm Immersion
Pine Ridge Reconciliation Ctr/Jterm Immersion
Poets, Mystics, and Theologians
Poets, Mystics, and Theologians
Poets, Mystics and Theologians
Poets, Mystics, and Theologians
Poets, Mystics, and Theologians
Poets, Mystics, and Theologians
Poets, Mystics, and Theologians
Political Theology (STM/DMin)
Political Theology (PhD only)
Politics and the New Testament
Preaching Popular Media
Postcolonialism and the Church
Postcolonialism and the Church: Christianity, Mission, Margins
Postmodern Culture and Emerging Trends in the Church
Power, Harassment and Conflict in Congregations (OL)
Power, Harassment and Conflict in Congregations
The Practice of Theology
The Practice of Theology [EC]
Prayer and Resistance
Composing, Praying, and Chanting the Liturgy (STM/DMin upgrade)
Composing, Praying and Chanting the Liturgy
Preaching Popular Media
Preaching Popular Media (STM/DMin upgrade)
Preaching for Social Transformation
Preaching Social Transformation (STM/DMin upgrade)
Preaching in the African-American Tradition
Preaching Intensive
Preaching Law, Gospel, and the Cross
Preaching Law and Gospel: Luther on Baptism and Eucharist
Preaching Law and Gospel: Luther on Baptism and Eucharist
Preaching Through the Lectionary and the Liturgical Year
Preaching Through the Lectionary and the Liturgical Year (STM/DMin upg
Preaching Resurrection
Preaching Resurrection
Preaching in a Culture of Disappointment and Despair
Preaching in a Culture of Disappointment and Despair
Preaching and Worship
CTS: Preaching (A)
Preaching in the 21st Century
Preaching in the 21st Century
Preaching Across the Divide (STM/DMin)
DMIN/STM Preaching Across the Divide
21st-Century Preaching in the African American Tradition
21st Century Preaching in the African American Tradition
Preaching Doctrine
Preaching Exodus in a Post-Colonial World
Preaching Exodus in a Post-Colonial World
Preaching the Themes of Faith
Preaching the Themes of Faith
Preaching the Gospel
Preaching God's Grace to the Suffering
A Timely Word: Preaching Grace on Special Days
A Timely Word: Preaching Grace on Special Days
Preaching John
Preaching in a New Century
Preaching in a New Century
Preaching from the Old Testament
Preaching the Old Testament Story
Preaching the Old Testament
Preaching the Old Testament
Preaching and Popular Culture: News, Media and Context
Preaching and Popular Culture: News, Media and Context
Preaching the Psalms
Preaching the Psalms
Preaching Seminar
Preaching on Social Issues
Preaching on Social Issues
Preaching Biblical Stewardship
Preaching for Social Transformation
Preaching for Social Transformation
Preaching Acts for Witness
Preaching Acts for Witness
Preaching in Black Church Contexts
(Palmer) Preaching in Personal and Social Crisis
Preaching in a Postmodern, PostChristian World
Preaching in a Postmodern, PostChristian World
Preaching the Gaps
Preaching the Gaps
Preaching the Gaps
Preaching the Gospel Section A
Preaching the Gospel Section B
Preaching the Gospel
Preaching the Gospel
Preaching the Gospel
Preaching the Gospel
STM/DMIN Preaching the Gospel
Preaching the Gospel
Preaching the Gospel (upgrade)
Preaching the Gospel
Preaching the Gospel (upgrade)
Preaching the Gospel
Preaching the Gospel (STM/DMin upgrade)
Preaching the Gospel (STM/DMin upgrade)
Preaching the Gospel
Preaching the Gospel
Preaching the Old Testament
Preaching Trajectories into the 21st Century
Presbyterian Polity
Presence & Community
Presence and Community
Theology and Praxis of Contemporary Prison Ministry
Proclaiming Faithful Philanthropy: The Love of Sharing is the Root of
Proclaiming the Radical Word of John
Proclaiming the Radical Word of John
Professional Ethics and Ministerial Boundaries workshop
Professional Ethics and Ministerial Boundaries workshop
Professional Ethics and Ministerial Boundaries workshop
Professional Ethics and Boundaries Workshop
Professional Ethics and Boundaries Workshop
Professional Ethics and Boundaries Workshop
Professional Ethics and Boundaries Workshop
Sexual and Professional Ethics and Boundaries Training
Sexual and Professional Ethics and Boundaries Training
Professional Ethics
Professional Ethics
Professional Ethics workshop
Professional Ethics/Boundaries Training
Professional Ethics/Boundaries Training
Prolog: Introduction to Public Theology
Prolog, Part 1
Prolog, Part 1
Prolog, Part 2
Prolog, Part 2
Prologue: Introduction to Public Theology
Prophetic Constructions: Internal Biblical Witness
Prophetic Constructions: Internal Biblical Witness
Prophetic Vision in Action
Prophetic Preaching
Prophetic Preaching in the African American Tradition
Prophetic Preaching in the African American Tradition
Prophetic Preaching in the African American Tradition
(STM/DMin) Prophetic Preaching in the African American Tradition
The Prophets: Isaiah to Malachi
The Prophets: Isaiah to Malachi
Prophets Seminar: Isaiah
Prophets on the Margins
Prophets on the Margins
Protestant Spirituality
Protestant Spirituality
Psalms, Prayer, and Preaching
Psalms, Prayer, and Preaching
The Psalter and the Life of Faith
The Psalter and the Life of Faith (STM/DMin)
The Psalter and the Life of Faith
Psychopathology and the Parish Pastor
Psychopathology and the Parish Pastor: Pastoral Assessment
Psychopathology and the Parish Pastor
Psychopathology and the Parish Pastor: Pastoral Assessment
Psychology and the Parish Pastor: Pastoral Assessment
Psychology and the Parish Pastor: Pastoral Assessment
Public Theology and Digital Technology: The Blessing and Bane of Socia
Public Theology and Digital Technology: The Blessing and Bane of Socia
Public Theology and Racism
Public Theology and Racism
Public Theology and Digital Technology: The Blessing and Bane of Socia
Public Theology and Digital Technology: The Blessing and Bane of Socia
Seminar in Public Theology
Seminar in Public Theology
Introduction to Public Theology
Public Theology
(STM/DMin upgrade) Public Theology
Pulpit Communications
Preaching in the Purple Zone: Ministry in the Red-Blue Divide
Preaching in the Purple Zone: Ministry in the Red-Blue Divide (upgrade
Purposes of Preaching
Purposes of Preaching
Queer Hermeneutics
Ethics of Queer Holiness
Ethics of Queer Holiness (STM/DMin upgrade)
Queering the Pulpit
(STM/DMin upgrade) Queering the Pulpit
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College courtesy course
Public Theology and the History of Race in American Religious History
Public Theology and the History of Race in American Religious History
The Challenge of Race in Church and Society
The Challenge of Race in Church and Society
Race, Gender and Sexuality
The Challenge of Race in Church and Society
The Challenge of Race in Church and Society
Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Leadership
Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Leadership (upgrade)
Race, Gender and Sexuality
STM/DMIN Race, Gender & Sexuality
Race, Gender, Sexuality and Leadership
Race, Gender, Sexuality and Leadership
Race, Gender, Sexuality and Leadership
Race, Gender, Sexuality and Leadership
Race and Religion in America (PhDs only)
Race and Religion in America (STM/DMin upgrade)
Race and Religion in America
Race and Religion in America (STM/DMin upgrade)
Race and Religion in America
(STM/DMin) Let's Talk: Racial Reckoning in Ministry Contexts
Rationality, Language, Public Discourse in Science, Theology
Rationality, Language, Public Discourse in Science, Theology
Reading the Bible with Martin Luther
Reading the Bible with Luther
Reading the Bible with the Poor
(STM/DMin) Reading the Bible with the Poor
Church in Society: Reading Your Context
Reading Revelation Ecologically
(STM/DMin) Reading Revelation Ecologically
Reading Revelation Ecologically
(STM/DMin) Reading Revelation Ecologically
Reading Revelation Ecologically
(STM/DMin) Reading Revelation Ecologically
Reading Scripture in Ancient Judaism
Reading Scripture in Ancient Judaism
Readings in Reformation History and Theology
Readings in Christology
Readings in Christology
Readings in Christology
Readings in Christology
Readings in Christology
Readings in Christology
Readings in Christology
Readings in Christology
Readings in Luther
(STM/DMin) Readings in Luther
Readings in Luther
Readings in Luther (STM/DMin)
Readings in Luther's Theology (Latino)
Readings in Luther's Theology (Latino)
Reading and Telling the Story
Reading and Telling the Story
Reading and Telling the Story
Reading and Telling the Story
Reading and Telling the Story
Reading and Telling the Story
Reading and Telling the Story
Reading and Telling the Story
The Heritage of Reformation Hermeneutics
The Heritage of Reformation Hermeneutics
Heritage of Reformation Hermeneutics: Bibl Theology to Bibl Criticism
Heritage of Reformation Hermeneutics: Bibl Theology to Bibl Criticism
Heritage of Reformation Hermeneutics: Biblical Theology to Biblical Cr
Readings in Reformation History and Theology
Readings in Reformation History and Theology
Readings in Reformation History and Theology
Reformation Liturgies in a Postmodern Age
Reformation Liturgies in a Postmodern Age
STM/DMIN: The Reformation and the Christian Tradition
The Reformation and the Christian Tradition
The Reformation and the Christian Tradition
The Reformation and the Christian Tradition (STM/DMin upgrade)
Religion and Peacebuilding
Religion and Peacebuilding
Religion and Peacebuilding [GL]
Religion and Peacebuilding
Religion and Social Change
Religion and Social Change
Religion and Social Change
Religious Experience in the Life of the Church
Religious Experience in the Life of the Church
Religious History and Public Leadership
Religious History and Public Leadership
Religious History and Public Leadership
Religious History and Public Leadership
Religious History and Public Leadership
Religious History and Public Leadership [IF]
Religious Leadership for an Interfaith Society (IF)
Religious Plurality and Christian Identity
Religious Plurality and Christian Identity
Role of Religion in Globalization and Transnationalism: Protestantism
Role of Religion in Globalization and Transnationalism: Protestantism/
The Role of Religion in Globalization and Transnationalism: Protestant
Role of Religion in Globalization and Transnationalism: Protestantism
Religion and Social Change
Religions, Violence, and Peacebuilding
Religions, Violence, and Peacebuilding
Religions, Violence, and Peacebuilding (STM/DMin)
Religions, Violence and Peacebuilding
Religions, Violence, and Peacebuilding (STM/DMin)
Religion and Caregiving in America
Religion and Politics
Religion and Film
Religion and Film
Religion and Film
Religion and Film
For Us and for Our Salvation: Theories of Religion and Culture
Dreams and Defenses: Religion in the Northeast USA
Dreams and Defenses: Religion in the Northeast USA
Dreams and Defenses: Religion in the Northeast USA
Religions and Violence
Religions, Violence and Peacebuilding
Religions, Violence & Peacebuilding
Religious Plurality & Christian Identity
(STM/DMin) Religious Plurality and Christian Identity
Research Methods for Studying Congregations
Research Methods for Studying Congregations
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
(STM/DMin) Research Methods
(STM/DMin) Research Methods
(STM/DMin) Research Methods
Current Trends in Religious Research
Residency internship, 1st semester
Residency internship, 1st semester
Residency internship, 2nd Semester
Residency internship, 2nd Semester
Retreat Planning
Retreat Planning (STM/DMin)
Revitalizing Congregations
Revitalizing Congregations
Revitalizing Your Preaching
Revitalizing Your Preaching
Revitalizing Your Preaching
Revitalizing Your Preaching
Revitalizing Your Preaching
Revitalizing Congregations through Worship
Revitalizing Congregations through Worship
Rhetoric in Preaching
Rhetoric in Preaching
Rhetoric in Preaching
Rhetoric in Preaching
Ritual Care in Times of Transition or Crisis
Ritual Care in Times of Transition or Crisis
Ritual Care in Times of Transition and Crisis
Ritual Care in Times of Transition and Crisis
Ritual Care in Times of Transition or Crisis
Ritual Care in Times of Transition or Crisis
Ritual Care in Times of Transition or Crisis
Ritual Care in Times of Transition or Crisis
Rituals of the Gospel
Rituals of the Gospel
(STM/DMin) Romans
Romans (STM/DMin)
Rural and Small Church Ministry
(STM/DMin) Rural and Small Church Ministry DL
Rural and Small Church Ministry (STM/DMin upgrade)
Rural and Small Church Ministry (STM/DMin upgrade)
Rural and Small Church Ministry (STM/DMin upgrade)
Rural and Small Church Ministry (STM/DMin upgrade)
Rural and Small Church Ministry (STM/DMin upgrade)
Rural and Small Church Ministry
Rural and Small Church Ministry
Rural and Small Church Ministry
Rural and Small Church Ministry
Rural and Small Church Ministry
Rural and Small Church Ministry
Rural and Small Town Ministry
STM Independent Study: Gospel of Matthew
STM Oral Examination
STM Oral Examination
STM Oral Examination
STM Oral Examination
STM Oral Integrative Examination
STM Oral Integrative Examination
STM Program Continuation (inactive prior year)
STM Program Extension
STM Thesis
STM Thesis
STM Thesis
STM Thesis
STM Thesis
STM Thesis
STM Thesis
STM Thesis:
STM Thesis
STM Thesis
STM Thesis
STM Thesis
STM Thesis
STM/DMin Independent Study
STM/DMin Independent Study
STM/DMin Missional Evangelism: Creativity in Context
STM/DMin Ethics of Queer Holiness
STM/DMin Turkey/Greece Travel Seminar
Sacramental Theologies: Means of Grace, Divine Presence, and the Churc
(STM/DMin) Sacramental Theologies: Means of Grace, Divine Presence, an
Sacraments, Hospitality and Globalization
Sacraments, Hospitality and Globalization
Sacred City: Christian Architecture through History and in the City of
Sacred Places in the History of Religions and Christian Praxis
Sacred Places in the History of Religions and Christian Praxis (STM/DM
The Saints' Guide to Happiness
The Saints' Guide to Happiness
Major Christian Thinkers for Today: Friedrich Schleiermacher
Schleiermacher and Modern Theology
Schleiermacher and Modern Theology
Major Christian Thinkers for Today: Friedrich Schleiermacher
Science and Technology in Theology and Ministry
Science and Technology in Theology and Ministry
Science and Technology in Theology and Ministry
Science and Technology in Theology and Ministry
Science and Scripture
(STM/DMin) Science and Scripture
Science and Scripture
Science and Scripture (STM/DMin)
Science and Scripture (STM/DMin)
Science and Scripture
Scriptural Theology Seminar
Scriptural Theology Seminar
Scriptural Theology Seminar
Scriptural Theology Seminar
Scriptural Theology Seminar
Where Scripture and Science Meet
Scriptures of the World: Authority and Hermeneutics
Scriptures of the World: Authority and Hermeneutics
Scriptures of the World: Authority, Meaning, Hermeneutics and Public L
Scriptures of the World: Authority, Meaning, Hermeneutics and Public L
Scriptures of the World and Interreligious Hermeneutics
Scriptures of the World: Authority and Hermeneutics [GL, IF]
Scriptures of the World: Authority and Hermeneutics
Scriptures of the World: Authority and Hermeneutics [IF]
Scriptures of the World: Authority and Hermeneutics
Scriptures of the World: Authority and Hermeneutics
Systematic Theo 2: Doing Theology; Scriptures of the World
Seasons, Spans and Songs
Seasons, Spans and Songs
PhD Seminar in Public Theology II
Seminar in Public Theology
Seminar in Public Theology
PhD Seminar in Public Theology
Seminar in Public Theology
Seminar in Public Theology
Nolde Seminar in Human Rights
Sermon Preparation and Delivery
Servant Leadership and Church Administration
Servant Leadership
Sex and Scripture: Feminist Issues in Interpretation
Sex and Scripture: Feminist Issues in Interpretation
Sex and Scripture: Feminist Issues in Interpretation
Sex and Scripture: Feminist Issues in Interpretation
Sex and Scripture
Sex and Scripture
Sex and Scripture: Feminist Issues in Interpretation
Sexual Abuse Prevention workshop
(STM/DMin) Shifting Culture and Mission Planning
(STM/DMin) Shifting Culture and Mission Planning
Brothers, SIsters, Siblings in the History of Christianity
(STM/DMin) Brothers, Sisters, Siblings in the History of Christianity
Sin and Cinema: Pauline Theology Goes to the Movies
Sin and Cinema: Pauline Theology Goes to the Movies
Sin, Evil and the Travail of Christian Theology
The Social Function of Worship [EC, GL, ME]
The Social Function of Worship
Social Justice in Faith Communities
Social Justice in Faith Communities (STM/DMin upgrade)
Public Theology and Digital Technology: Blessing and Bane of Social Me
(STM/DMin) Public Theology/Digital Technology: Blessing and Bane of So
(STM/DMin) The Sacred Theology of Dorothee Soelle
Biblical Languages and Software Exegesis
Biblical Languages and Software Exegesis
Spanish for Ministry (Basic)
Spanish for Ministry (Intermediate)
Spanish for Ministry (Basic)
Spanish for Ministry (Intermediate)
Spanish for Beginners
Spanish for Ministry
To Speak in Parables: Proclamation of the Gospel in the Parables of Je
Speaking of God
Speaking of God
Speaking of God
Speaking of God
Speaking of God
Preaching Special Services in the African-American Tradition
Preaching Special Services in the African-American Tradition
Spiritual Formation: Transformative Learning, Media Literacy, and Live
Spiritual Formation: Transformative Learning, Media Literacy, and Live
Spiritual Formation: Transformative Learning, Media Literacy, and Live
Spiritual Formation: Transformative Learning, Media Literacy, and Live
Spirituality and End-of-Life Issues
Spirituality and End-of-Life Issues
The Spirit and the Church
The Spirit and the Church
The Spirit and the Church
Spirit(s), Angels, and Demons in the Bible
(STM/DMin) Spirit(s), Angels and Demons in the Bible
Spiritual and Leadership Formation 1
Spiritual and Leadership Formation 1
Spiritual and Leadership Formation 2
Spiritual and Leadership Formation 2
Spirit(s), Angels, and Demons in the Bible
(STM/DMin) Spirit(s), Angels, and Demons in the Bible
Spirits, Angels, Monsters, and Demons in the Bible
(STM/DMin) Spirits, Angels, Monsters, and Demons in the Bible
Spiritual Autobiography and Biblical Texts
Spiritual Autobiography and Biblical Texts
Spiritual Autobiography
Spiritual Autobiography
Spiritual Direction (independent contract)
Spiritual Formation Equivalent
Spiritual Formation requirement
Spiritual Formation requirement
Spiritual Formation requirement
Spiritual Formation requirement
Spiritual Formation requirement
Spiritual Formation
Spiritual Formation
Spiritual Formation
Spiritual Formation
Spiritual Formation
Spiritual Formation: The First and Greatest Commandment
Spiritual Formation Through Understanding the Fragments of the Face of
Spiritual Formation for Pastors, Deacons, and Leaders in the 21st Cent
(STM/DMin) Spiritual Formation for Pastors, Deacons, and Leaders in th
Spiritual Leadership for Mission Communities
Spirituality, Prayer, Social Engagement: Texts, Contexts, Critical Ref
Spirituality, Prayer, Social Engagement: Texts, Contexts, Critical Ref
Spirituality, Prayer, Social Engagement: Texts, Contexts & Critical Re
Spirituality for Ministry
A History of Christian Spirituality to the Reformation
Sources for the Renewal of the Liturgy
Sources for the Renewal of the Liturgy
Story of the Early Church
Story of the Early Church
Story of the Early Church
Story of the Early Church
Story of the Early Church
Story of the Early Church
Story of Israel
Story of Israel
The Story of Israel
Story of Israel
Story of Israel
Story of Israel
Story of Israel
Story of Israel
The Story of Jesus and the Early Church
Story of Jesus and the Early Church
Story of Jesus
Story of Jesus
Story of Jesus
Story of Jesus
Story of Jesus
Story of Jesus
Living Out a Faith Subversive of Injustice
Living Out a Faith Subversive of Injustice
Sunday School and Young Adult Ministries
Swedenborgian Biblical Exegesis 1
Swedenborgian Biblical Exegesis 2
Swedenborgian Biblical Spirituality
Swedenborgian Worship, Rites and Sacraments
Swedenborg in History
Introduction to Systematic Theology
Systematic Theology
CTS: Systematic Theology
CTS: Systematic Theology
TEEM Formation Event
TEEM Prolog
Teaching and Learning in the Church
Teaching and Learning in the Church
Teaching Methods for Presenting the Bible in the Parish
PhD Teaching Public Theology Seminar
PhD Seminar in Teaching Public Theology
Teaching and Learning in the Church
Teaching and Learning in the Church
Teaching and Learning in the Church
Technology and Adult Education in Congregations
Telling the Story: Evangelism and Preaching
Telling the Story: Evangelism and Preaching
Text to Sermon
Text to Sermon
The Church Year: Time and Worship
The Church Year: Time and Worship
The Epistles
The Epistles
The Epistles
The Epistles
The Gospels: Matthew to John
The Gospels: Matthew to John
The Gospels
The Gospels
The Gospels
The Gospels
The Holistic Self: Integration of Psychology and Spirituality
The Holistic Self: Integration of Psychology and Spirituality
The Lord's Supper and the Communion of the Church (STM/DMin)
The Niebuhrs: Ethics and Engagement in the 20th Century
The Physical Church: Valuing and Sustaining the Church Building
The Prophets: Isaiah to Micah
The Prophets: Isaiah to Micah
The Prophets
The Prophets
The Prophets
The Prophets
The Prophets
The Reformation
The Saints' Guide to Happiness
Themes in Biblical Theology
Themes in Biblical Theology
Theology and Liturgy in the Digital Age
Theological Perspectives on Peace
(STM/DMIN) Theological Perspectives on Peace
Doing Theology in a Fallen World
Doing Theology in a Fallen World
Doing Theology in a Fallen World
Doing Theology in a Fallen World [EC]
Doing Theology in a Religiously Plural World
Doing Theology in a Religiously Plural World
Theologies of Liberation
Theologies of Reconciliation
Theology, Youth Ministry and Christian Formation
Theology, Youth Ministry and Christian Formation
Theology and Liturgy in the Digital Age
Theology and Liturgy in the Digital Age
Theocentric Preaching
Theocentric Preaching
Nolde Seminar on Theology and Human Rights
Nolde Seminar on Theology and Human Rights
Nolde Seminar on Theology and Human Rights
Nolde Seminar on Theology and Human Rights
(STM/DMin) Theology and Social Justice
Theological Anthropology
Theological Engagements with Anthropology
Theological Engagements with Anthropology
Theological German
Theological German
Theological German
Theological German (Advanced)
Theological German (Beginners)
Theology of Gustavo Gutierrez: Liberation, Language, Solidarity
Theology of Gustavo Gutierrez: Liberation, Language, Solidarity
Theology of the Lutheran Confessions (Spanish)
Theology of the Lutheran Confessions (Spanish)
Theology the Lutheran Way
Theology the Lutheran Way
Theologies of Reconciliation (STM/DMin)
Theologies of Reconciliation (STM/DMin)
Theological Studies Workshop
Theology of Gustavo GutiƩrrez
Theology of Gustavo GutiƩrrez
The Theology of the Prophets
The Theology of the Prophets
Theologies of Religions (STM/DMin)
Issues in the Theology of Religions (Distance Learning)
Issues in the Theology of Religions (Distance Learning)
Theology of the Cross
Theology of the Cross
Theology of the Cross: New Testament and Beyond
Theology of the Cross: New Testament and Beyond
Theology and Ethics of Paul
Theology and Ethics of Paul
Theology and Ethics of Paul
Theology and Ethics of Paul
Nolde Seminar on Theology and Human Rights
Nolde Seminar on Theology and Human Rights
Theology in the Public Sphere: Learning from the Early Church
Theology in the Public Sphere: Learning from the Early Church
Theology of Time and Space
Theology of Time and Space
Theology of Time and Space
CTS: Theology Ethics
Theological Ethics
Theological Ethics
Theological Ethics
CTS: Theological Ethics
Theological German
Theological German
Theological German
Theology and Sciences
Theology and Sciences
Theology and Sciences
Theology and Sciences
Theology and the Sciences
Theology and the Sciences
Theology of Religions [IF]
Theology of Religions
Theology of the Cross: The New Testament and Beyond
Theology of the Cross: The New Testament and Beyond
Theology of the Cross: New Testament and Beyond
Theology of Religions
Theology of Religions
Theology for Ministry with Youth
Theology for Ministry with Youth
Introduction to Theology and Ethics
Introduction to Theology and Ethics
Introduction to Theology and Ethics
Introduction to Theology and Ethics
Theology and Ethics of Paul
Theology of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Theology and Praxis of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Theology and Praxis of Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Theology of Politics and the Politics of Theology
The Theology of Politics and the Politics of Theology
Theology of the Reformers
Theology of the Reformers
Theology and Social Justice
Theology for Ministry with Youth
Theology for Ministry with Youth
Theology for Ministry with Youth
(STM/DMin) For Us and For our Salvation: Theories of Religion and Cult
These are Written - Explorations in the Gospel of John
STM Thesis:
Thinking Differently: Theology in a Postmodern Context
Thinking Differently: Theology in a Postmodern Context
Thinking Differently: Theology in a Postmodern Context
Thinking Differently: Theology in a Postmodern Context
Thinking Spirit: G. W. F. Hegel and Contemporary Theology
Thinking about God
Thinking about God
Thinking about God
Thinking about God
Thinking about God (Evening)
Thinking about God
Theology from a Third-World Perspective
Theology from a Third-World Perspective
Thriving, Dying, Merging, and Emerging Congregational Leadership
Thriving, Dying, Merging, and Emerging Congregational Leadership (STM/
Thriving, Dying, Merging and Emerging Churches
Thriving, Dying, Merging and Emerging Churches
Thriving, Dying, Merging and Emerging Congregations
Tillich and Public Theology
Transfer Credits
Transforming Our Ministries and Congregations for Tomorrow
Transforming the Church for Mission
Transforming the Church for Mission
Trauma and Grief: A Pastoral counseling Intensive
Travel Seminar: Luther's Impact on Church, Society, and Education in G
Travel Seminar: Luther's Impact on Church, Society, and Education in G
Global Travel Seminar: El Salvador [EC, GL]
Luther, the Bible and Bach (travel seminar)
Emerging Trends in Preaching
Emerging Trends in Preaching
Emerging Trends in Preaching
Trinitarian Theology
Trinitarian Theology
Trinitarian Theology
Trinitarian Theology
Trinitarian Theology
Trinitarian Theology
Trinitarian Theology
Trinitarian Theology
Trinitarian Theology
Trinitarian Theology
Trinitarian Theology
Doing Theology: Trinitarian Theology
The Trinity and the Christian Life
The Trinity and the Christian Life
Trinitarian Ethics and the Spirit of Consumerism
Trinitarian Ethics and the Spirit of Consumerism
Turkey/Greece Travel Seminar
Turkey/Greece Travel Seminar
Denominational Polity: United Church of Christ
Denominational Polity: United Church of Christ
United Methodist History and Doctrine
United Methodist History and Doctrine
United Methodist Church History
United Methodist Church History
U. S. Latino/a Theology and Ministry
US Latinx Theologies and Ministries
US Latinx Theologies and Ministries
UTI Ind Study: Pastoral Care and Servant Formation
The Epistles
The Epistles
The Gospels
The Gospels
Understanding the City
Understanding the City
Understanding the City
Understanding the City
Understanding the City
Understanding Mission Today
Understanding Mission Today
Understanding the City
Understanding the City
Urban Immersion
Urban Immersion
Leadership for Urban Ministry
Leadership for Urban Ministry
Urban Preaching Seminar
Urban Preaching Seminar
Urban Theological Institute course
Violence and Religion in America
Violence and Religion in America
Violence and Religion in America
Cross Registration - Virginia Union Univ School of Theology
Ecumenical Travel Seminar to World Council of Churches
Ecumenical Travel Seminar to World Council of Churches
Cross Registration: John Leland Center
VUUST: CH-648 Mission and Global Christianity
(Wartburg Theo Sem) Borderlands Immersion
War and Christian Conscience
War and Christian Conscience [GL]
War and Christian Conscience
War and Christian Conscience [GL]
WTC: Dialogue of the Abrahamic Faiths
WTC: Dialogue of the Abrahamic Faiths
Wealth & Poverty
Wealth, Poverty and the Church
Wealth, Poverty and the Church
Wealth, Poverty and the Church
Wealth, Poverty and the Church
Wealth, Poverty and the Church
Wealth, Poverty and the Church
Wealth, Poverty and the Church
Wealth, Poverty and the Church
When Faith Hurts: Spiritual Impact of Abuse in the Faith Community
When Faith Hurts: Spiritual Impact of Abuse in the Faith Community (ST
When Faith Hurts: Spiritual Impact of Abuse in the Faith Community
(STM/DMin) When Faith Hurts: Spiritual Impact of Abuse in the Faith Co
When Faith Hurts: Spiritual Impact of Abuse in the Faith Community
(STM/DMin) When Faith Hurts: Spiritual Impact of Abuse in the Faith Co
Where Faith Hurts: Recognizing/Responding to Spiritual Impact of Abuse
(STM/DMin) Where Faith Hurts: Recognizing/Responding to Abuse in the F
(DMin/STM) White Fragility in the Congregation
(STM/DMin) White Fragility in the Congregation
Wisdom Literature
Wisdom Literature
The Wisdom Literature
The Wisdom Literature
Wisdom Literature
Wisdom Literature
Public Witness in a World of Injustice
Public Witness in a World of Injustice
The Witness of Luke
The Witness of Luke
The Witness of Luke
The Witness of Luke
Witness of Luke
Witness of Luke
Witness of the Word
Witness of the Word
Theological and Practical Witness of the Church During Apartheid
Womanist Activism and Public Witness
Womanist Activism and Public Witness (STM/DMin upgrade)
(STM/DMin) Womanist Biblical Interpretation/Preaching
Contemporary Womanist Engagement and the Hebrew Bible
Contemporary Womanist Engagement and the Hebrew Bible (STM/DMin)
Womanist Theology
Womanist Theology
Womanist Theology and Ethics
Womanist Theology
Womanist Theology (STM/DMin upgrade)
Women in American Religions
Women in American Religions
Women and Religion in the United States
Women and Religion in the United States
Women and the Word: Sermonic/Didactic Womanist Biblical Interp
Women and the Word: Sermonic/Didactic Womanist Biblical Interp
Women and the Word: Sermonic/Didactic Womanist Biblical Interp
Women and the Word: Sermonic/Didactic Womanist Biblical Interp
Women in the Gospels
Women in the Gospels
Women in the Bible and Early Church
Word and Witness: Preaching and Liturgy in Context
Word and Witness: Preaching and Liturgy in Context
Word, Spirit, and Sacraments
(STM/DMin) Word, Spirit, and Sacraments
Word, Spirit and Sacraments
Word, Spirit and Sacraments
Word, Spirit and Sacraments [EC]
Word, Spirit and Sacraments
Work of the People: Worship in the World [EC, GL, IF, ME]
Work of the People: Worship in the World
World Christianity
World Christianity
World Christianity
World Christianity
World Religions
World Religions
World Religions
Worshipping Community
CTS: Worship
Worship and Leadership
Worship and the Arts
Worship and the Arts
Worship in the African American Tradition
Worship in the African American Tradition
Worship in the African American Tradition (STM/DMin upgrade)
Worship in the African American Tradition
Worshipping Community
Worshipping Community (upgrade)
Worshipping Community
Worshipping Community
Worshipping Community
Worshipping Community (STM/DMin upgrade)
Worshipping Community
Worship in Context
(STM/DMin) Worship in Context: Life Passages and Digitality
Worshipping Community
Worshipping Community
(STM/DMin) Writing to Restore the Soul
Cross Reg: Catholic Univ School of Theo
XREG Wesley: CF 131 VT: Teaching the Bible
Christian Discipleship in a Consumer Society
Christian Discipleship in a Consumer Society
Christian Discipleship in a Consumer Society
Christian Discipleship in a Consumer Society
Christian Ecumenism in the 21st Century [EC]
Christian Ecumenism in the 21st Century
Christian Encounter with Other Faiths [IF]
Christian Encounter with Other Faiths
Christian Encounter with Other Faiths [IF]
Christian Encounter with Other Faiths
Christian Encounters with Other Faiths
Christian Minimalism and Spirituality
(STM/DMin) Christian Minimalism and Spirituality
Christian Minimalism and Spirituality
Christian Minimalism and Spirituality
Experiential Introduction to Contemplative Christian Spirituality
Christian-Muslim Engagement in North America
Christian-Muslim Engagement in North America
Christian-Muslim Engagement in North America
Theological Issues in Christian-Muslim Relations
Theological Issues in Christian-Muslim Relations
Christianity Becomes a World Religion
Christianity, Slavery and Sisterhood in American Religious History
Christianity, Slavery and Sisterhood in American Religious History
Christianity Becomes a World Religion
Christianity Becomes a World Religion
Christology in a Pluralistic World
Xreg (VUU): Xreg PT-629 Worship and Sacraments
Xreg VUU: PT1-759 Self Care as Spiritual Practice
Xreg John Leland Ctr Theo Studies:
Xreg John Leland Ctr Theo Studies: EH-3205 In Search of Biblical Justi
Xreg John Leland Ctr Theo Studies: EH-3205 In Search of Biblical Justi
Xreg: (RTS) Hermeneutics
The Theological Development of the Young Luther
Theological Development of the Young Luther
Youth Ministry Certification School
Youth Ministry in America
Youth Ministry in America
Youth Ministry (Spring Half B)
Essentials of Youth Ministry in the 21st Century
Youth Ministry Certification
Youth and Violence
Youth and Violence
Youth, Religion and Violence
Asian Studies (on-line)
Distributed Learning
Gettysburg campus
Guatemala Immersion
Moravian Theol. Sem.
Muhlenberg College
Not applicable
Palmer Seminary
Philadelphia campus
Princeton Theol Seminary
St. Paul's Baptist, West Chest
Temple University
University of Pennsylvania
Washington Theol Consortium
Westminster Theol Seminary
Yale Divinity School
both campuses
Chapel (CHAPEL) Chapel
Hagan Center (AMPH) Amphitheater
Not applicable (N/A) Not applicable
Off Campus (LTSG) LTS-Gettysburg
Off Campus (TBA) Off-campus; TBA
Off Campus (SALT) Salt & Light Church
Off Campus (STPL) St. Paul Baptist, West Chester
Off Campus (TRIP) Travel seminar
President House (PRESHS) President House
Refectory (REF2A) Refectory 2a
Refectory (REF2B) Refectory 2b
Refectory (CHAPTBL) Refectory Chapel Tbl
Refectory (SEMINR) Seminar
The Brossman Center (101A) Benbow A
The Brossman Center (101B) Benbow B
The Brossman Center (101C) Benbow C
The Brossman Center (201) Classroom 201
The Brossman Center (202) Classroom 202
The Brossman Center (203) Classroom 203
The Brossman Center (204) Classroom 204
The Brossman Center (208) Classroom 208
The Brossman Center (209) Classroom 209
The Brossman Center (301) Classroom 301
The Brossman Center (302) Classroom 302
The Brossman Center (303) Classroom 303
The Brossman Center (304) Classroom 304
The Brossman Center (309) Classroom 309
The Brossman Center (315) Classroom 315
The Brossman Center (316) Classroom 316
The Brossman Center (319) Classroom 319
The Brossman Center (320) Classroom 320
The Brossman Center (322) Classroom 322
The Brossman Center (323) MMRC, Room 323
The Brossman Center (TBA) To be announced
Public Leadership
Starts after:
Ends before:
Please use the 24-hour clock format for times (24HH:MM)